Sunday, March 11, 2012

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

March 12 Monday
We start this day with Mercury retrograde and a disseminating Scorpio Moon, telling us that the best and most valuable information to understand is what comes from our inner experience. It is possible to express that wisdom externally, as we begin to understand the importance of making fundamental changes which may remain hidden to others. The Moon goes void of course at 12:30 pm, MT, purging Scorpio’s reluctance to be vulnerable for the rest of the day. During this time, it helps to call on one’s inner trust to do the right thing. There are deep inner challenges to exceed one’s regular behavior.

March 13 Tuesday
The Moon is in Sagittarius, and there are intuitive impulses to encounter different levels of being today, spiritually and culturally. Sagittarius quests for ideals based on personal assumptions. We may need to let go of our idealized pictures of the Sagittarius part of our charts today, so that we can travel with the flow of life force energy. Grand schemes may take us on some unusual diversions. Amidst all sorts of exaggerated stimulation, diversions, and concentrated efforts to avoid extremes and maintain equilibrium, there are enticing opportunities. To utilize their advantages, we need to harness and take charge of our minds and focus on the big picture.

March 14 Wednesday
This disseminating Sagittarius Moon circles in on understanding the rhythm of condensation and fluidity. What is so important about a habit which is entrenched and one which is constantly shifting? The contrast helps us sort out different factors in our emotional wellbeing. This becomes clear as we enter the Moon’s last quarter phase this evening at 7:25, when comprehension of our daily behavior comes forward. Issues of momentum and strategy permeate the day along with competition between the sexes and more exploration into male and media generated opinions about the sexual functions of the female body.

March 15 Thursday
The last quarter Moon moved into all-or-nothing Capricorn early this morning, and we may feel great pressure to change. Chaos and its consequences materialize. Things seem hard to explain. We may feel inarticulate. Problems seem to be reinforced by a trail of troubling details. Our ability to drop anything in order that we change direction is tested. Self-doubts are calling on our attention. What is needed is trust in our power to change. Capricorn has a warehouse of hidden strength and stamina to find a sensible way to make progress and get beyond bothersome situations.

March 16 Friday
With this Capricorn Moon we can survey all of our accomplishments and discern which have the potential to form a new foundation for supporting an unfamiliar behavior. Capricorn can be strong on patience. Even though the part of our charts which is developed with Capricorn traits often favors the best of what has been tried and true, this part of us can be seriously and fully committed to support something entirely new if that is our firm intention.

March 17 Saturday
This morning the Moon moved into Aquarius, a sign that sometimes exhibits abrupt inner changes. If we’re ready to march into the future, taking risks will come easily. There’s a sense of urgency, and security seems to come with action. Our powers of observation can be sharpened with Mercury retrograde. On Sunday at 11:06 am, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase, a time to bring together all of the insights that came up during this Moon cycle to envision what may lie ahead in the days to come. This phase can be like a plunge into darkness, requiring keen discernment to avoid deceptions.


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