Sunday, August 05, 2012

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

August 6 Monday With this Aries Moon, the day begins with sudden flare-ups and inner glimpses of things to come. These can arm us with ways to improve our understanding of what can bring about increased well-being. Aries is good at taking the initiative. Each of us can start by gathering together the significant events, thoughts, and knick knacks of the past three weeks to weave them into some kind of celebration or dramatization that restores calm and peace of mind. This can help us evaluate our progress. For the Aries part of us that can be a boost of pride. Aries likes to take stock of gains. August 7 Tuesday This Aries Moon suggests that we start the day with a goal in mind. There’s a feeling of promise. And if we know where we’re going, we can be unstoppable. On the other hand, without a compass, we can be at the whim of what shows up, especially after 2:04 pm, MT, when the Moon begins to void herself of Aries until after midnight. During this time one’s personal needs might not get met, and exhaustion can easily set into one’s head. Tonight at 11:40, Mercury appears to stand still to go direct, releasing tension around communication issues for some of us. August 8 Wednesday We have a Taurus Moon discharging the meaning and value of those Mercurial tensions which got under our skin over the past three weeks while Mercury was retrograde. This Taurus Moon recognizes life’s hardships and the difficulties of getting the contentment desired. She can appreciate the changes being made to improve one’s living conditions and emotional wellbeing. What kind of valiant effort are we making to understand our recent stresses? Is there an intention to alleviate them and live in peace and beauty? Taurus relishes the good life. August 9 Thursday The Taurus Moon has a tendency to stick with what is familiar and to hold tight to the status quo. Today new emotional terrain seems to color the surrounding landscape differently. This can trigger spiritual courage to venture into unknown territory. At 12:55 pm, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase where a re-orientation is urged by impulses to throw out behaviors which are no longer useful so that something new can be experienced. The Moon also goes void of course at this time until tomorrow afternoon. Even though one might want to put one’s best foot forward, thinking gets muddled and sometimes unrealistic. August 10 Friday This void of course Taurus Moon wants something other than the obvious, but whatever it is, it keeps slipping out of consciousness. By simply letting go and uniting with spiritual forces, one can maneuver through the usual activities. At 2:11 pm, MT, the Moon moves into far-reaching Gemini, and one can sense an opening to new wonders that can come about by re-fashioning the past. And that all begins in one’s imagination! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. August 11 Saturday With this Gemini Moon we can productively think about creating new patterns in our lives. And there may be others to help us, unless they feel taken for granted. On the other hand, if we have been dependable, we can win over others. There’s an air of generosity. And publicly, people seem good-natured. On Sunday things can go well if we act responsibly. We can put ideas into action and smooth over conflicts. There can be, however, reluctance, even moodiness, if equality needs are not met. At 3:49 pm, MT, Sunday, the Moon goes void of course, fanning off the whims of Gemini until after midnight. This can leave our thinking and communications in a state of free-floating.


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