Sunday, July 01, 2012

Full and Disseminating Moon

July 2 Monday The Sagittarius Moon can be quite active and playful in pursuit of deep insights into one’s passion. Today, however, there can be a lot of stumbling about and overlooking of important pieces in the whole picture of actualizing the use of an important skill. At 4:21 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, smothering the zeal of Sagittarius for a half hour of vivid imagery which can be like horses in the clouds. At 4:51 pm the Moon moves into materializing Capricorn. This sign can provide some structure to a vision and even make a dream come true. It is very present in the here and now. July 3 Tuesday This Capricorn Moon brings out hidden meanings in our perceptions about how to liberate a talent. Obsessions, possessiveness, and obligations related to this skill come into awareness. At 12:52 pm, MT, the Moon is at her fullest, beginning a phase of revelations about something that makes our hearts sing, about what makes us exuberant from the core of our being. This full Moon is a mirror to the state of our inner fire. It reflects how we’ve been groping for an ideal. We may notice extremes of maturing beautifully and or repetitively holding to a set pattern. Are we mucking around in dreary emotional states or hiking forward on solid ground? July 4 Wednesday We begin this Independence Day with a Capricorn Moon going void of course at 6:25 am, MT, reminding us to withdraw from our regular activities to idealize the character of the United States of America with social ceremonies and fanfare. Instead of picnics and fireworks, some of us may be envisioning a purging of the psychological ghosts from our past that have brought about our present crises. This could be an unorthodox, freewheeling 4th of July while the Moon is shaking off Capricorn. It’s like being on a mountain top, seeing in all directions with no obvious trail markers. The Moon moves into renovating Aquarius at 7:49 pm. Happy 4th! July 5 Thursday This still full Aquarius Moon reveals transitions which are needed based on the self-discoveries of this phase. We can gather the information and resources required by sharply focusing on how we want to be. Alertness and timing are important factors in aligning our behaviors with our expectations. Easing into a new habit at this point can be accelerated by imagining throughout the day that one is performing in a desirable way. With the use of imagination we can shift the contexts in which we express our inner fire. We don’t need to be logical in the process of finding solutions. July 6 Friday With this Aquarius Moon we can define some ingrained habit this morning. If we so choose, we can salute it, thank it for serving us, and bid it farewell so that we can replace it. At 9:49 am MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost thirteen hours of throwing off progress-oriented Aquarius. During this time anything goes, especially weirdness and eccentricity. If we seek it, inspiration can come for a new path to consider. At 10:29 pm, the Moon moves into comprehensive Pisces. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. July 7 Saturday Late last night the Pisces Moon entered her disseminating phase, a time to put out in the open what one has come to recognize. By exposing a realization about one’s passion, one can find a way to change and improve behavior. Pisces has a knack for helping others, and today empathy is raining upon us. Emotional unity prevails until Sunday at 5:00 am, MT, when the Moon begins to void herself of Pisces for twenty-four hours. The insights we have gained urge us to start anew on something, yet our surrounding reality seems like a mirage. It’s better to play out the day with a fantasy, as in viewing a film or reading a book.


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