Sunday, June 10, 2012

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

June 11 Monday The Pisces Moon entered her last quarter phase at 4:41 am, MT. This is when the meaning and purpose of the cycle becomes clear along with an urge to take a new direction with what is understood. A distinctive personal quality comes to the forefront in our minds, mingled with inspirations, as the Moon voids herself of dreamy Pisces for most of the day. We may grope around with the truthful insights that come with this Moon phase as if swimming under water in a sea of cosmic viewpoints, gaining knowledge that can change us forever if we find a way to externalize or express what is being revealed. June 12 Tuesday The Moon moved into fast-paced Aries late last night. Headstrong energy takes over, defiant of anything and anyone preventing the chosen action. The desire is to propel ahead without regard for externally imposed restrictions. Feelings seethe as if in a pressure cooker. It’s difficult to put up with interferences. Even jokes and silliness can become intolerable. This evening, just when one might be fed up with it all, a shift clears the way and re-fuels the drive to go for what is valued and most wanted. Aries likes to progress in a directed manner and gets impatient if thwarted in any way. June 13 Wednesday With this Aries Moon, the day begins with a concern for how we are acting out newly acquired information which focuses on the containment of one specialty and brings it to the forefront. To have an impact with this ability, one needs to harness a deep understanding of the human condition and use it. The outgoing Aries part of us can tackle that but can’t be depended upon to stick with it. This sign discards attention to a task like the absent-minded professor. Nevertheless, there’s a conscious openness to bringing fresh thought to a skill that we execute with ease and optimism. June 14 Thursday The day begins with a void of course Aries Moon, suggesting that we avoid any exhausting work and journey to the core of our being for spiritual sustenance. At 10:22 am, MT, the Moon moves into secure Taurus. Most of the day, however, will have a passive, slow-moving feel, like being in a dream. With an accepting attitude and being guided from within, we can be hopeful of making headway while going with the flow of interactions. Let things take their course and disregard the inessentials. Compliancy, politeness, and considerateness are the ideal virtues for today. June 15 Friday The Taurus Moon enters her balsamic phase at 6:16 am, MT. The emphasis of the next four days is to withstand hardship, let go of dead-end behaviors, and allow fresh approaches time to mature. Feelings and thoughts congeal to boost self-worth with plans for a better future. At its best the Taurus in each of us can find ways to improve through re-interpreting the status quo. With an eye towards excellence, Taurus can plod forward, testing for new solid ground. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. June 16 Saturday The Taurus Moon is void of course from 6:09 am, until 11:24 pm, MT, today. While she is shoveling off the unshakeable attitudes of Taurus, we can enjoy a day of compassion and gentleness unless we indulge narcissism and co-dependence. The Moon moves into Gemini tonight with a blast of hidden surprises, probably in dreams which indicate a new direction. On Sunday perception is keen and sudden insights are right on the mark. It’s a perfect day to plunge into old and new relationships for comfort and beauty. Our knack for caring can bring previously hidden needs to the forefront.


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