Sunday, May 27, 2012

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

May 28 Monday With this Virgo Moon, we may become aware of how much we use our imaginations to discipline behavior to become effective in some craft. We can be eager to learn today, but repetitions, as well as adjustments, may occur ad nauseam. The first quarter Moon phase begins at 2:16 pm, MT, emphasizing the cycles of darkness which we encounter when striving to be successful. The action called for in this Moon cycle is about engaging with the struggles or forces that come between our present condition and a desired goal. Avoiding conflicts or commitment will deter this process. May 29 Tuesday This Virgo Moon brings urges to jump into an action scene where others are present. Virgo likes to engage with people who help advance one’s progress. This morning, however, it will take some juggling to get things together with those who are interested in similar projects. Changes are needed for those ties to take shape. Virgo can easily find fault and abandon some aims unless this sign’s higher vibration kicks in and makes whatever effort is necessary to develop what seems hopeful. Clarifying what is needed and disregarding the appearance of difficulty can rejuvenate one’s assertive efforts. May 30 Wednesday The Moon moved into balance-seeking Libra early this morning. And with this air sign we can lift our thoughts to a high frequency of harmony, considering how we bring equilibrium to sharing both our shaded experiences as well as our cloudless ones. With some effort we can re-centered ourselves by seeing the implications of our polarized behaviors. An urge to release old ties can surface in the face of trying to be loyal by maintaining certain relationships. By making the obvious be our focus and by considering social bonds that are not exclusive, we can extract the truth of how we desire to evolve and commit to it. May 31 Thursday The Libra Moon encourages social interaction for a sense of the fullness of life. It’s easy to articulate that this morning. We can also get mentally hooked into something or someone. Relationship restrictions get unhooked if dependence issues are addressed. Following guidelines for eliminating strife and improving partnerships can help instead of Libra’s easy strategies which include passively complaining and finding fault. Libra often simply withdraws from difficulties in lieu of confronting affronts. At 7:31 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning, fanning off the high standards of Libra. June 1 Friday At 12:17 this morning, MT, the voiding Libra Moon entered her gibbous phase, when a greater perspective of shadow issues or decayed behavior comes into view and solutions are becoming clearer. At 6:31 am, the Moon moves into investigating Scorpio. This water sign knows how to burrow deep for underlying problems and how to eliminate them. Extra attention is given to details today. We can get drawn into evaluating them. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. June 2 Saturday This gibbous Scorpio Moon is good for sorting things out and using the information they offer to analyze shadow issues. Be wary of assumptions regarding security as well as freedom based on generalizations. Coming to conclusions won’t be easy. On Sunday morning at 6:32 MT, the Moon moves into Sagittarius, a sign which doesn’t usually have an eye for detail, and trusting one’s inner truth can be tested Sunday. Yet intuition brews up some methods which can produce surprises which can preoccupy minds in the afternoon. Understanding what’s going on within oneself can bring courage to face tomorrow morning’s lunar eclipse.


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