Sunday, September 29, 2013

Balsamic and New Moon

Monday September 30 This Leo Moon can bring to mind how we learned our risk-taking habits. By circling in on remembrances of chances which relatives took, we might come up with a technique worth mimicking. Also we might be able to define the moment which guided our initial play with hazard. Some of the biggest risks we can execute involve impulsive actions we take regarding our family relationships. Some of these can move us towards a sense of continual service to them and/or a sense of completion. Today we can anticipate some profound shifts in how we relate to those closest to us. The Moon begins to void herself of gambling Leo at 10:48 pm, MT, until tomorrow afternoon. Tuesday October 1 The “anything goes” Leo Moon is void of course all morning. Last night she entered her balsamic phase, dousing the fire one has for family into steamy emotions. Moods shift with the external environment, and memories of childhood can pop in our minds like sparks from a midnight campfire. At 12:52 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the orderly arranging of Virgo, and ideas to organize can be picked out of our minds. We can decide if we want the neatness of order or the messiness of chaos. Our feelings influence our thinking and help us to see how we fit into the family tree. Wednesday October 2 With this balsamic Virgo Moon, we can probe the depths of our understanding of our emotional connections to our family tree. This helps us re-integrate the influence of psychological components into a new vision of how we carry forward our heritage. We can reframe the affects of our parents influence on our psychological growth. Following our inner guidance and wisdom on this matter can change the way we look at things. Our emotional bonds to our families have been forged out of complex needs, and we often find security in them. They are, however, meant to throw us into our dharma, our unique path. Thursday October 3 This Virgo Moon is meant to hold us to our individual work of trying new things. Virgo’s ability to make everyday magic by sticking to the daily rituals can help us keep an inner orientation guided by intention. At 12:57 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for eight hours of sweeping off Virgo. During this time we can learn a lot through exposing ourselves to various things. Since, however, this is a balsamic Moon the day before a new Moon, it’s best to spend some time alone envisioning some internally hidden parts of ourselves which might be ripe for exposure to the outer world. Friday October 4 The Moon moved into the connective embrace of Libra last night. Volatility and surprises get in the way and confront us into the afternoon. At 6:34 pm, MT, we have a new Moon beginning a lunation with the theme of bridging our inner to our outer life. A potential kept in the dark is ready to emerge and fight for external expression. To get clear about it, we need to notice any self-conceptions which need dusting off for this capacity to sparkle. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend October 5 and 6 With this new Libra Moon we face the emergence of something from within us which is ripe to explore. We might wrestle with stubborn tendencies to keep to our old habits and struggle with letting go to make room for something else. At 4:28 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for ten hours of clearing off Libra’s bridging tendencies. Early Sunday morning the Moon moves into the Phoenix-like re-birthing of Scorpio. Our feelings on Sunday can help us deeply pierce through our thoughts to extract some truth about what is rising to the surface from our subconscious minds.


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