Sunday, October 06, 2013

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

Monday October 7 With this Scorpio Moon answers to questions about an emotional problem appear from out of the depths of our souls with disarming clarity. They may have been triggered by one’s company. This might be accelerated by shifting the context of some chance conversations. Feelings of being on the edge of some astounding discovery can rear up with a sense of promise. Our eagerness, however, can be frustrated by urges to stick with already explored territory. At 10:54 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for over seven hours of getting rid of vulnerable Scorpio. Tuesday October 8 The Moon finishes purging herself of secretive Scorpio at 6:21 am, MT, when she moves into verifying Sagittarius. At 7:04 am, she enters her crescent phase when we’re drawn to what has emerged since last Friday’s new Moon and sense something worth pursuing. Yet more information needs to be gathered, and that will take some effort. Sharing experiences with others may be a good starting point. It could be hard, however, to rely on one’s own ideas, as heavy-weight energies easily draw us into other’s experiences. So let your individuality shine today! Wednesday October 9 With this Sagittarius Moon emerging perspectives bring spontaneous action. These come from many hidden or underlying patterns and can usher us into another way of seeing things. Sagittarius is often open-minded and loves a challenge. Restlessness, however, can sidetrack even the loftiest pursuit today. And Sagittarius frequently refuses to get too deeply involved or caught up in circumstances which impede movement or the space and quietude to bridge the inner and outer reality. Inner values or ideals determine how much this sign engages with others. Thursday October 10 Early this morning the Moon is dousing herself of intuitive Sagittarius until 9:17 am, MT, when she moves into disciplined Capricorn. Mulling over one’s thoughts about the past can lead to bringing a wish into crystallized form. Situations arise that foster the development of new potentials. Capricorn’s ambitious nature can set one in motion to face external problems or some bothersome psychic weight. There’s an efficient, methodical quality to the day. The Capricorn part of us values achievement but not so much for oneself as how it is accomplished. Setting a good example is paramount for this sign! Friday October 11 With this Capricorn Moon new ideas emerge derived from a disciplined inner thought process. Through concentration different connections can be made between internal images that help one decide on how to move forward responsibly. At 5:02 pm, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase. Ready or not, it’s time to create a new way of bridging one’s inner life to the outer one. This may involve being alert for an opportunity to take a different sort of leap from one to the other. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend: October 12 and 13 From last night until noon Saturday the Moon was letting go of realistic Capricorn. At 12:00 pm, MT, She moved into original Aquarius. There is encouragement to put ourselves on the line with our creative energies. Social interaction is important today. Connections can bring up some shadow issues worth unveiling. Sunday begins with flashes of how to look at things differently and what needs to be done to advance. Demands of the day call for systematic juggling if goals are to be met. The commonality factor plays an important role in selecting what to do. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone might prove to be liberating.


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