Sunday, February 09, 2014

Gibbous and Full Moon

Monday February 10 This Cancer Moon delivers an interest in gurus or at least their teachings. Philosophizing or sharing spiritual tidbits can boost enthusiasm today. At 1:46 pm, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase when it’s important to stay focused on priorities of this cycle, which are about seeking an ideal expression of some inspiration. We may need to rely on our instincts to bring together and expose our inner discoveries. Old ways of thinking about something can stand in the way of developing the potential of an unusual insight. Experimenting can produce breakthroughs. The sign of Cancer can single out individual special gifts which are ripe for displaying. Tuesday February 11 This morning the Cancer Moon exposes us to the vulnerability of the soul seeking spiritual renewal. We just might feel the effects of being recharged by the divine. Defining the results of an infusion of higher wisdom might provide distinctions between the sublime and the ordinary. Playing out emotional impulses within a familiar or tribal setting can bring greater clarity to one’s situation. Cancer has a knack for bringing together objects or people in need of each other. This sign of the Mother archetype teaches us what we need to learn to be whole and complete. It restores and upholds what is good and healthy for us. Through such nurturing we can trust the whispers of the universal mother in our hearts. Wednesday February 12 The Cancer Moon is void of course this morning, washing off the multi-dimensional feelings of Cancer. Riding these gentle waves can take one into a highly sensitive space where there’s much to learn from other realms. At 12:15 pm, MT, The Moon moves into high-spirited Leo. It’s as if a blast of energy propels us into action to pursue the passions of our everyday life. Leo often looks for messages from spirit in the surrounding environment and expects to find inspiration there. Retrograde Mercury re-enters Aquarius this evening, bringing up the opportunity to search internally for lasting wonders which are forever with us. The Leo in us at this time needs re-orient to an inner audience for the feedback desired. Thursday February 13 This morning’s Leo Moon is practically full of emotional insights which can surprisingly assist in re-interpreting how one makes spiritual progress. Through making careful comparisons and anticipating changes, the essential patterns of one’s inner life emerge. There’s tremendous power available to make a quantum leap in confronting the truth of one’s inspirations. Whether they’re spontaneous, off the cuff, or slowly growing into our consciousness, we need to focus on them. Sometimes Leo takes things at face value without pondering them for their deeper, extensive meanings. A dose of humility can help to see how there’s wisdom to be gained by considering how others differ in their approaches to life. Friday February 14 A deep desire for solitude comes with this morning’s Leo Moon. Inner rhythms of the heart capture attention. At 4:53 pm, MT, the Moon is at her fullest revitalizing our spirit with new emerging realizations about how we take the best out of each situation and hold it to the light as a thing of beauty. We may become aware of how we live up to expectations we have of our inspirations. Our minds are illuminated with clarity about how we commune with spirit, and how we use the gifts of love, ideas and guidance. Happy Valentine’s Day! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend February 15 Today’s Virgo Moon leans towards organizing the messages coming in about one’s inner life and inspirations held dear and used. There’s restlessness to adapt to recent revelations and the expectations they suggest. There’s erratic energy making it difficult to hold together things, but it can also provide the ingredients to break free of a restraining pattern. On Sunday there can be eagerness to take a leap in one’s capacity to act in accordance with wise guidance. There is, however, the possibility of being trapped within the constraints of social roles. Taking on the playfulness of a child trying out different ways of being can help one explore various interpretations of reality.


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