Sunday, June 29, 2014

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

Monday June 30 This Leo Moon brings a burst of spontaneity aimed at radically altering one’s self concept. Old conditioning might get in the way unless one has tight control on emotions. A loose experimental approach open to adjustments can mobilize one towards a supportive containment of self-regard. There’s plenty of enthusiasm to go beyond the borders of one’s usual ways of initiating an activity. Leo offers us a sense of adventure with multiple attractive paths to take. We can peer down each of them and look for vital signs indicative of opportunities to improve one’s personal situation in a social setting. The one that stands out among the rest is the best choice. Tuesday July 1 The Leo Moon is void of course until mid-afternoon. At 4:16 this morning, while in this state, she entered her crescent phase, when the emphasis is on the need to find one’s place to shine. Under most circumstances this can be a struggle, and with a voiding Moon even more so. While she is stamping out the willfulness of Leo, we may have to wrestle with our stubbornness. Yet self-reliance with lots of effort is what we need to go after better conditions. This is a day with several shifting energies. Mercury goes direct at 6:50 am, MT, supportive of keeping our sights on an optimal path for growth. At 3:24 pm, the Moon moves into the critical mind of Virgo, setting priorities and developing potential. Wednesday July 2 With this Virgo Moon, we could get entrapped in familiar behaviors if we don’t try something new. If we want improvements, we need to avoid the usual maneuvers and act creatively. With keen observation seasoned with imagination, we can live up to our hearts’ expectations. Our standard preference may get in the way of accessing what is desired, but following strong instincts can lead to success. It’s helpful to martial emotional forces to concentrate on the intention of bettering a situation. Fine-tuning that focus provides clarification which can assist in defining the critical tasks to pour one’s energies into. With a crescent Moon, one can fool around and easily get disconnected from pursuing a possibility. Thursday July3 A Virgo Moon can bring discerning feelings about what it means to be conscientious in regard to duties and expectations. Today we might cut short of completing a task as our thoughts are focused on essentials. Perhaps a new adventure will stimulate us to move towards the special conditions we are seeking. Virgo is good at making an effort to develop something. The Virgo part of us can have a clear grasp of the vibrancy desired. Whatever new elements can be introduced today, the better chance we can seize what is needed to decide on how to build our own personal special space. Making modifications of existing circumstances and even thinking up alternatives can fill our minds with all kinds of options. Friday July 4 The crescent Moon moved into the inward calm of Libra early this morning. The Libra part of us can see things in ideal terms. We can get our imagination around the full parameters of a perfect personal space. This can stir us into action with a commitment to find such a condition. Yet it may be difficult to settle on any single decision today. Fantasies can lead to disappointments as well as satisfaction. It seems that anything goes. Perhaps our dreams, or even daydreams, can help us decide. Enjoy the 4th of July! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend: July 5 and 5 The Libra Moon entered her first quarter phase early this morning. Outer circumstances require action if there is a desire to improve one’s situation. In order to find the best orientation to accomplish this, one needs to establish a pleasing, relaxing, social environment. We need to let our feelings lead us to a good spot to bask in, and give ourselves permission to accept a clearly lit path to it. On Sunday at 9:31 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for four hours of fanning off the obliging energies of Libra. During this time we can tune into nuances for information about our preferences. It’s ideal to rest and observe. At 1:33 pm, the Moon moves into highly developed probing abilities of Scorpio for some avant garde opportunities.


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