Sunday, May 11, 2014

Full Moon and Disseminating Moon

Monday May 12 The Libra Moon is void of course most of today. While the cooperation of Libra is slipping off the Moon, certain loyalties may slide into fickleness. The constants we’ve depended upon can become unstable. Some relationships may be on shaky terms for incomprehensible reasons while the spiritual bonds of others couldn’t seem stronger. No matter the vibes in our interactions, there’s a feeling of openness, of easy access. It’s even hard to avoid any kind of external stimuli. There seems to be simultaneity about many things. Several of us can be easily swayed in what seems like a prevailing haze. At 7:07 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the deeper undercurrents of Scorpio. Tuesday May 13 With this Scorpio Moon, feelings swimming in our veins stir up remembrances of gentle, compassionate intimacies. The value of these exchanges is one relating to the beauty of exquisite aesthetics made up of simple gestures and subtle phrasing of words. Such interactions today are part of an alchemical process which could produce the gold that seals a deeply spiritual relationship. A single such connection has a cosmic switchboard which can activate a penetration into the hearts of others. The awareness of this contributes to spreading a web of associations which build a common acknowledgement of what the Buntu in Africa say, “I am because we are.” Wednesday May 14 As the Scorpio Moon approaches her full phase, we can become more aware of the dynamics between partners and colleagues, as well as those of larger social groups. It’s a good time for noticing the viewpoints of those being of service or offering help, especially in those intense relationships which bring in new or different factors. At 1:16 pm, MT, the Moon is at her fullest, highlighting personal power which plays off against expectations due to the discovery of more to be known. Realizations produce questions about investing emotional energy into man-made tokens of the material world. At the same time as the Moon reaches fullness, she goes void of course until almost midnight. As she drains off the emotional debris of Scorpio, introspection can reveal hidden gems. Thursday May 15 The Sagittarius Moon can be a missionary for truth this morning, stirring up the depths of the beliefs we live by. Many things recharge our optimism to move through difficult times. The key to happiness is in knowing how to resolve opposites. As we unravel the revelations of a full Moon, sudden insights can prompt us to quickly change certain opinions and attitudes. Friends can be highly supportive today, even if the troublemaker in us pushes us in an unpopular direction. On the other hand, a close companion might instigate an uncomfortable argument. Being tripped up and tied down by a friend isn’t desirable social strength. Such experience, however, can clarify and verify one’s views. Friday May 16 The Sagittarius Moon is void of course all day. While she is dousing the zeal of Sagittarius, it’s best to shield ourselves from outside influences and put our attention and concern on what is happening internally. The Sagittarius part of us lives in a personal inner world where intuition is relied upon. We can shape ideas in our minds about how we want our exchanges with others to be. We might want to maintain certain behaviors and replace another with a new one. It’s a matter of outdoing past habits. Weekend May 17 and 18 With this Capricorn Moon our mental abilities are challenged. Coherency can be achieved by integrating logical and magical thinking. We may have to deal with some bothersome emotional baggage to see underlying patterns of the way we give and take socially. At 10:23 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase. It’s time to acknowledge and demonstrate our understanding of how we cultivate vibrant exchanges with others by rejuvenating the value of caring. While socializing on Sunday, wellbeing and good times can be had by being centered and aligned with one’s truly heartfelt expressions. The bonds of long-term relationships are sealed with the wisdom of honesty.


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