Sunday, June 08, 2014

Gibbous and Full Moon

Monday June 9 With this Scorpio Moon our instincts pick up on energy surges capable of putting us in a position to use speech as a weapon. We might, however, come up with many alternatives and want to take time to examine them deeply. At 11:32 am, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase when it’s best for us to meld our energies with what is developing by using a technique from the wisdom of the past that comes naturally or simply that works even if it is incongruous with our nature. Our abilities to merge with others and situations increases today as the planet of unification, Neptune, stands out going retrograde. The more we resonate with our surroundings the easier it is to seek higher ground as vagueness or disturbing influences inundate existing conditions. Tuesday June 10 This Scorpio Moon brings yearnings for better conditions amidst strange influences. We may realize the need to assert our views or play dirty to protect the value of equity in relationships. Intuition can help us recognize how to enliven a spirit of equality. We can look forward to possible gatherings which honor our emotional longings. A threshold to forming efficient and fair social conditions can be crossed. To go there and meet the standards necessary for maintenance requires fundamental changes in existing ways. The Moon begins to void herself of regenerative Scorpio at 8:21 pm, MT, until mid-morning tomorrow. Look for signs of new life in dreams or elsewhere during the night. Wednesday June 11 With this morning’s voiding Scorpio Moon, we can let off steam, especially those fed up feelings about inequities in the world. At 9:23 am, MT, the Moon moves into the elevating spirit of Sagittarius. With some adjustments, we can stimulate others, and be stimulated in turn, to do our best despite the odds and insecure feelings. The Sagittarius part of us can be very persuasive. Such optimistic influence can stem, however, from gullibility though not always. It helps to use a bit of restraint this afternoon as intimations of impending unknowns stir up from invisible forces. An ultra-realistic approach can help ready us for the revelations of tomorrow’s full Moon. Thursday June 12 This Sagittarius Moon brings many simple delights. If we take things as they happen, we can flow freely through the day. Any commitment to foster freedom with an emphasis on fairness can be expressed exuberantly, even the exposure of injustices done to others. Our feelings for the oppressed can deepen, and our adeptness for caring can be demonstrated. At 10:11 pm, MT, the Moon is at her fullest, beginning a phase of revelations about how we deal with collective pressures. Do we shut down and bear them as if the commonality of unacceptable conditions is just something one has to endure? Or do we seek something new and take opportunities to change circumstances? Friday June 13 The Moon is dancing off the high spirits of Sagittarius this morning. We may move about aimlessly while the Moon voids herself of this sign. At 11:04 am, MT, the Moon moves into goal-oriented Capricorn. An overview of our past words and feelings comes to mind, along with how they have influenced us, or not, to seek satisfaction when confronting negative treatment. If old ways held us back, there’s inspiration available to imagine how to restructure behavior. Capricorn offers us the concentration to seriously play with new scenarios. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend June 14 and 15 The Capricorn Moon transmitted the challenging, somewhat explosive energies of those heavy-weight planets, Mars, Uranus, and Pluto this morning. This afternoon we get a sense of how we bear up under pressure. Part of such a lesson can be how not to repeat some danger-inducing behavior. Many emotions show up today, some them exaggerated. The Moon goes void of course after midnight, shoveling off the seriousness of Capricorn until late Sunday morning. Lighten up any rigidity and let intuition be your guide. At 11:27 am, MT, Sunday, the Moon moves into anti-status quo Aquarius. Don’t be surprised if you have some abrupt inner changes which shift your orientation.


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