Sunday, April 27, 2014

New and Crescent Moon

Monday April 28 The Moon moves into the solid standards and obsessions of Taurus at 8:23 am, MT. Preferences come to the forefront, well thought out, yet disturbed by some obvious annoyances uncovered recently. Hidden factors foreshadow problems which won’t go away until dealt with. Something old is dying, but it won’t do to simply let it disintegrate. Something must become of its ashes. Taurus luxuriates in sensual reality and in that borderland where magical realism parades images of what could be. What can become of detritus of calcified habits we’re leaving behind? Earthy Taurus knows the value of decayed material when it comes to fertilizing new life. Tonight’s solar eclipse might just trigger such a process. Tuesday April 29 The Taurus new Moon was a solar eclipse at 12:14 am, MT. The theme of this cycle deals with our habits around giving and receiving and how we celebrate such exchanges. As we begin this day, it will help to identify the gift of this lunation by noting conversations and especially reactions to the information given. Were there playful responses or any awkwardness? Was something missing? Was there a loss of words? Taurus has a keen inner sense of a paradise in which everything is ideal. The yearning for that place is strong, and there’s a constant search for it. During these days of a new phase, it’s helpful to focus on following one’s heart. Despite any conflict present, a sense of emotional unity induces confidence to embrace what one must to evolve. Wednesday April 30 With this Taurus Moon thoughtful effort can reap many benefits. This morning there are opportunities for giving and receiving emotionally which are worth seizing if for no other reason than noticing how we engage in such behavior presently. At 9:53 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until mid-afternoon. During this time, our surroundings can become cloudy and less solid, but imagination can provide us with the richness of nature. Spirit guides can be our best allies. At 2:56 pm, the Moon moves into socially alert Gemini, and we can get an up close view on our conditioning around how and when we share and accept that others may be operating on different levels than we are. Thursday May 1 This Gemini Moon reflects on our inner boldness. Re-interpreting the details of past assertive, or even aggressive, exchanges can help uncover any unspoken insecurities. Gemini can fly about in sync with other people, but today there’s a strain on that ability, brought on by heavy matters. We can free ourselves of such entanglements by sharing present concerns with a confidante. The Moon goes void of course at 5:32 pm, MT, for over thirty hours of blowing off the fragmented interactions of Gemini. During this time communications can be strange. Statements seem to never get completed. Spiritual connections, however, can stimulate all sorts of associations. “Head trips” can be rich with past memories as well as visualizations of the future. Friday May 2 The Gemini Moon is void of course until after midnight. There’s internal tension to start the day off right this morning. Exchanges can be awkward today. Some attempts can end in disapproval or rejection. It’s best to minimize interaction, and when engaging in it, be willing to compromise. At 7:26 pm, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase. From now through Tuesday we can be magnetically drawn to what has emerged since last Tuesday’s solar eclipse and to what is needed next. We may feel rejuvenated by grasping our conditions around giving and receiving. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend May 3 and 4 The Moon is in instinctual Cancer. There can be ethereal feelings of caring and sharing spiritually with others. We can go to extremes today, displaying deep emotions or hiding them away in a freezer. With some effort we can tune into the hearts of others no matter the façade. Tonight and Sunday morning emotions dip into the tensions of that cosmic cross stressing out areas of both our personal and public lives. The Cancer in us has difficulty dealing with the intrusion of larger cultural or governmental forces into our private lives. Yet we are all internally seeded with the possibility of rising above external conditions. Being open-hearted and sorting out what kinds of connections we want with others can guide us through this period.


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