Sunday, July 13, 2014

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

Monday July 14 The Aquarius Moon this morning shines on reflections with others which provide a trail of insights about our far-reaching wishes to have a secure and comfortable life. Once again, even when we thought we knew everything about ourselves, personal realities which were subconscious mysteriously fall into our awareness naked as if kicked out of a cave. At 1:23 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for seven hours of blowing off the detailed inner self knowledge of Aquarius. Our inner life can be illuminated with self-revelations and inspirations for re-inventing a self image and re-framing our sense of pleasure and improvement. At 8:40 pm, the Moon moves into malleable Pisces. Tuesday July 15 The Pisces Moon is like water absorbing and embracing everyone and everything she meets. At 9: 44 am, MT, she enters her disseminating phase when we recognize deeply set patterns of behavior, some of which may be avoidances, manipulations, or being duped by an imposed set of standards. It’s time to let go of the behavior of the past which impedes going after new freedoms. By pulling away from a dead-end habit, we can more easily demarcate a special space for our enjoyment. With hypersensitivity to feelings today and using them as a lens, we can investigate what our souls require to experience good circumstances on the soul’s terms, not the prevailing cultural trends. Wednesday July 16 Accompanying this Pisces Moon is a feeling of being special which ignites a passion for expressing oneself, especially if one has purged old psychological blockages. A new sense of self is taking shape and needs attention. People in our lives familiar with our personal stories might re-enforce scripts we’re trying to alter and thus stand in the way of recalibrating an aspect of our behavior. No matter how awkward it may be, it’s still beneficial to act based on recent insights. At 6:57 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for three hours. While she is rinsing off the idealism of Pisces, we can easily slip into a make-believe world where we can fantasize about having all the support we need to produce the comfort and security we’re seeking. Thursday July 17 This Aries Moon seeks power in the knowledge of all the factors in a situation. Such an overview can provide new possibilities. Aries likes novel targets and keeps moving in search of one, sometimes hardly noticing some of the opportunities. Today it’s important to act out thought up behaviors which might secure what is essential for crystallizing an ideal space for oneself and cherished others. Identifying how others have gotten out of dark, unwelcoming circumstances can assist in recognizing habitual patterns which suck one into stifling conditions, as well as those magnetic ones worth pursuing. Unpredictable results, however, can occur, but the Aries in us can always find a way out. Friday July 18 For relief from the butting tensions represented by this Aries Moon, pacing oneself may be necessary along with modifying activities when confronted or cornered. The Moon enters her last quarter phase at 8:08 pm, MT. This is when the meaning and value of this cycle become clear, challenging us to address our inner needs by first forgiving self for short-comings and then renewing our hopes and beliefs in our abilities to shine in a special space. At 8:18 pm, the Moon goes void of course for over six hours of dousing out the assertions of Aries, resulting in restlessness and uncertainty. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend July 19 and 20 With this Taurus Moon our minds seek new ground fed by an inner awakening. By reaching out, grasping and trying on a new behavior, we can let go of meaningless adornments to our maneuvers and stick with what’s natural. We can learn through exposure, absorbing what matches our thoughts. While checking things out, we may stumble upon a major do-over. On Sunday confidence in one’s self-awareness gets a boost if we willingly look at emotional and mental issues. An honest self-appraisal can be a huge relief for Taurus. Authoritative Saturn goes direct in the opposite sign of Scorpio in the afternoon, defining the outlets for closely held secrets.


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