Sunday, December 14, 2014

Balsamic and New Moon

Monday December 15 The Libra Moon reminds us of our ideals and aspirations. With those in mind there’s no way to avoid social responsibilities today. There’s motivation to display heartfelt feelings for others. This can shift relationships to a different level of interaction. Libra can gracefully win the goodwill and cooperation of others. As the day wanes, however, the Libra in us will be forced to come to grips with projections onto others of our personal expectations. Assuming that companions view the world through the same personal lens which each of us has, invites distortions. It’s important to harmonize oneself to various cultural and spiritual standards to avoid illusions. Tuesday December 16 With this Libra Moon we begin the day with a sense of being linked to certain people who can help us face present problems. They may not be physically with us but their support is accessible. We can be strengthened and confidant with it to the point of dramatically promoting a skill, even exaggerating it to the point of fearlessness. There’s an abundance of happiness available today. The best of it can be had with a bit of social conscience and a dose of kindness. There are alternating conditions that can meet the high standards of Libra with our participation. We just need to decide the level of our involvement. Wednesday December 17 The Moon is emptying herself of obliging Libra this morning. We may feel like avoiding interactions and being somewhat lazy until 7:52 am, MT, when the Moon moves into investigative Scorpio. Then we may focus more sharply on the business of the day. There are many bright possibilities of gathering what is needed to attain a goal. And perhaps bring together precious human power for the excellence desired. Reconnecting with old comrades can reinforce trust in the ability to overcome some bothersome troubles. Those companions who have helped us battle tough situations can challenge us to see things differently. Their support can shift our consciousness to another level. Thursday December 18 At 5:25 am, MT, the Scorpio Moon entered her balsamic phase. It’s time to gather everything we’ve recognized about how we enjoy the camaraderie of past companions and use that mixture of behaviors to shape a new vision for mastering how we behave in groups. We can work on and perfect how we want to express ourselves in tense situations. The Scorpio in us feels strongly about every issue encountered. When puzzled Scorpio strips away at clues until the problem is solved. This part of us can navigate turbulence in a poised, intuitive way. If we’re willing to be vulnerable, the Scorpio experience can bring about fundamental change. Friday December 19 With this Scorpio Moon the emotional climate is alive with enchantment. Feelings spill out in spite of reservations. At 2:11 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for forty-four minutes of melting off the restraints of Scorpio. During this time we may feel vulnerable to exposure, and it’s best to just release whatever scares us. At 2:55 pm, the Moon moves into the mental journeys of Sagittarius. We’ll need to carefully focus on the direction we want to pursue the rest of the day, as there’s lots of enticement to take a detour. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend December 20 and 21 Today’s Sagittarius Moon calls for a reconciliation with the past. We may find ourselves confronting a moment of truth about the intensity of a relationship. Watchfulness can lead to avoiding rash actions. And we may move in fits and starts wanting to avoid collisions. Early Sunday morning the Moon begins to void herself of freedom-loving Sagittarius for most of the day. Reality seems to fade away into daydreaming. At 4:03 pm, MT, the Sun enters “take charge” Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice. At 6:25 pm, the Moon moves into Capricorn as well and joins the Sun at 6:36 pm, for a new Moon cycle with impulses to head in a new direction out of necessity.


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