Sunday, August 09, 2015

Balsamic and New Moon

Monday August 10 At 6:08 am, MT, the Moon leaves the social masks of Gemini for clannish Cancer. At 11:16 am, she moves into her balsamic phase, when all the group-related habits focused on during this cycle come together to brew up images of new behaviors. Experimenting can point to the perfect orientation for the future. Instincts may indicate some past social differences needing attention. Natural support comes from co-workers or siblings or even passages in a book. Throughout the day there may be dream-like yearnings of surpassing past accomplishments. These can be satisfied by intermingling stepping stone activities with what must be done. Tuesday August 11 Early this morning with this balsamic Cancer Moon, the visionary planet, Jupiter, moved into the sign of Virgo. Throughout this week our minds may be flooded with images of ideal habits to cultivate. Too many good ideas, however, can bring about a state of chaos. We may become aware of dark mental vortices which challenge our assumptions. Uncertainty about actions to take, deepen feelings of distraught, and defensiveness sets in. It may help to remember that life is a process of getting clearer about oneself. We can also penetrate into core issues today by using all the faculties of our minds, looking for the links among intuition, subtle perceptions, rational thinking, and sensations. Wednesday August 12 With this Cancer Moon images come to mind of past group or family structures which involved triangulation. The Moon goes void of course at 11:44 am, MT, for three hours of draining off memories of Cancer’s preoccupation with former times. It’s best to find a secure, quiet place during these hours. At 2:52 pm, the Moon moves into easily impressed Leo, and we are doubly energized to groom for attention. Leo admires a world that mirrors one’s radiance and charm. Our gut wants to show off but our head might be a bit uncomfortable, knowing that it’s all a demonstration. There can be a struggle exteriorizing one’s exuberance today. Thursday August 13 With this Leo Moon, shaping up an exciting day may take effort finding the sparks that trigger enjoyment. There is the chance to join up with others who are looking for some fun. All it may take is being willing to share some intense moments by simply letting them unfold without interference. This might not be easy for the Leo part of us if we take everything at face value or are naïve. It could help today to be a voyeur and be passively entertained. This could feel like playing the fool, but there’s the gift in that of sharing some good times with others. This day could also be a test of one’s self control amidst some out of control behavior. Friday August 14 We have a new Leo Moon at 8:53 am, MT, beginning a lunation about how the input of others informs us of what we already possess in the area of Leo in our natal charts. Over the next four days, pay close attention to messages from others, while resonating to inner feelings or to your heart. It’s possible to expand the limits of one’s consciousness about one’s personal strength and power if we have the courage to listen to what others bring alive in us. Such an experience can even lead to a change in how one defines oneself. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend August 15 and 16 The Moon moved into scrutinizing Virgo during the night. With this sign we can examine our physical environment for concrete things which seem to represent how we feel internally. There’s a strong sense of something taking shape in our consciousness. We may be concerned with performing for others today or being the center of attention. There can be some profound, even fated, connections with others. On Sunday we may have enough data from people to begin to piece together an emerging image of how we circulate information about each other. Virgo can pick and choose information from others and form a picture of it. The Virgo in us uses what is learned from all sorts of sources to form a deeper understanding.


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