Sunday, August 16, 2015

Crescent to First Quarter Moon

Monday August 17 With this Virgo Moon there’s plenty of information to use to piece together personal patterns formed from reactions to messages from close colleagues. At 11:16 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for over three hours. While she is sweeping off Virgo’s distinct bits of data, we may space out and become unfocused. On the other hand, artistic skills may become pronounced in poetic and even visionary ways. Spiritual associations may also come easily. At 2:23 pm, the Moon moves into the social concerns of Libra. Libra is responsive to the demands of others. There are always reactions to group behavior, checking it out for its meaning and value, as well as deciding whether to join in or walk away. Tuesday August 18 Things are serendipitous for the Libra Moon when everyone displays appropriate behavior according to established rules of conduct. At 11:43 am, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase when there’s a need to find the spotlight and shine in it, no matter what a code of etiquette dictates. Such action can set in motion the chance to meet up with messengers who are instrumental in awakening us to some self-realizations. There are lessons to learn today about the deep process of awakening slumbering parts of our souls. In order to acquire such knowledge we need to be attentive and let something we merely sense, unfold. Wednesday August 19 With this Libra Moon, being well situated means one’s personal space is in balance with everyone else’s for optimal interaction as well as room for some antics or at least the unexpected. There’s tolerance for some foolishness today. Working and playing with group energies can be a measure of one’s capabilities at lightening or tightening up. It’s time for an egalitarian attitude of just being one of the gang! For some, this could be unorthodox and risqué. Such engagement can be illuminating about how people influence each other. At 8:56 pm, MT, the Moon begins to void herself of Libra’s ability to assess and find harmony in extremes. Find peace tonight. Thursday August 20 The Moon moved into the deep emotional challenges of Scorpio early this morning. There are opportunities to find inspiration in the events of today. Personal confidence is boosted by responding to deep urges, even if they draw one into uncharted territory. The Scorpio part of us can have a detached sort of interest in what is puzzling, which fuels the ability to investigate and cut things down to the basics. Scorpio has the power to assess defects and get rid of them with creative intent. By linking up with a variety of realities and networking with trusted people much can be uncovered, including secrets. Friday August 21 This Scorpio Moon brings a strange repetition of experiences with others, perhaps déjà vu moments of sharing. Scorpio can take us into close contact with the unexpected in what seems like magic. Messages received at such times can appear tensely exciting as well as confusing, but Scorpio can ferret out their meaning. The messenger may be as intriguing as the message today, both are informative. Scorpio can find the essential links between the two based on feelings and intuition, more so than any rational explanation, much like successful detectives do. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend August 22 and 23 The Scorpio Moon entered her first quarter phase at 1:31 pm, MT. The action this phase calls for is uncensored, honest sharing of what one feels about another’s behavior, as well as the openness to truly take in what someone else is telling us. It’s time to act out the messenger when emotionally driven to do so, and to receive a message for its personal insight. The Moon also went void of course at the beginning of this first quarter phase for a little over an hour of draining off the social vulnerabilities of Scorpio. At 2:41 pm, the Moon moves into adventurous Sagittarius, and at 4:38 am, on Sunday, the Sun rolls into diligent Virgo. Moments arrive to play out the drama of interpersonal revelations.


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