Sunday, April 24, 2005

Week after Full Moon

Apr 25 Monday
With a Scorpio Moon starting the week, we may feel like we can take on whatever the world throws us, or at least know deep inside what is keeping us from handling evolutionary growing pains. Events of this day can reveal what we are made of as we face moments of stark reality that allure us with their mesmerizing repetitive rhythm. Our personal lives may seem trivial in the face of grand circumstances. Our desires come up against a blueprint for our future. Even if there isn’t a match, take the best out of every moment experienced today.

Apr 26 Tuesday
As the full phase comes to an end, the Sagittarius Moon helps our inner selves gather all the revelations of the lunar eclipse and sort them in a way that bears witness to our expanding consciousness. Putting our identity in new contexts can bring new opportunities. A fast speaking person may lose some listeners in a classroom, and gain some at an accident scene. All sorts of ideas get released every minute. Today there’s a deluge of them, and some might challenge us to get our heads out of the clouds, away from the Moon, and take action.

Apr 27 Wednesday
With Wednesday’s Sagittarius Moon, the keeping of promises to adhere to certain social standards may lead to uncovering secrets and spreading their contents. This gets emphasized when the Moon enters her disseminating phase at 3:16 pm, MDT, a time to reveal what has changed. In this cycle those changes can guide us into a new phase of existence that jars complacency and binds us to a strong intention to be true to our inner worlds while being in the outer ones. Our cultivated inner gifts need to converge with ordinary, everyday patterns.

Apr 28 Thursday
Thursday’s Capricorn Moon wants to scrutinize and authenticate everything that has transpired in the passed three weeks, attesting to the importance of realizations. Capricorn can bring out into public view hidden influences behind a saga of events to celebrate their significance and importance. It helps us face the facts and applaud what deserve praise. Happiness comes today from solid, realistic experiences. Inappropriate or audacious behavior today may trigger embarrassment. Contain and confine urges to indulge in self-criticism.

Apr 29 Friday
With Friday’s Capricorn Moon there may be a tendency to identify ourselves with our accomplishments, our successes. Yet we are, in spite of what we attain. Capricorn implies we are our expectations; we are the readiness for something to happen. Today it is enough to recognize our potential in the context of any given circumstance. The Moon goes void of course at 4:00 pm, MDT, dissolving the constraints and limits on goal-oriented Capricorn, taking off the self-imposed blinders to contemplate greater possibilities. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

Apr 30 Saturday
We have an Aquarius Moon for the weekend, promoting open and free circulation of ideas and experiences. Friendly, tolerating exchanges can be charged with electrifying excitement. At 12:24 am, MDT, Sunday, the Moon enters her last quarter phase, a time when feelings are urging a new direction based on need, while the order of things says its rational to stick with the status quo. There’s tension here that can be relieved by taking steps to change the direction of one’s awareness from spiritual identity to the management of spiritual resources.


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