Sunday, May 08, 2005

First Week of New Lunation

May 9 Monday
We start the week with a Gemini Moon in her new phase. Happiness comes from sorting through our extraneous and miscellaneous resources and selecting what can be disposed of based on personal value, using a scale of 1 to ten.. Anything five or under goes! Use as a criteria, how well the outer expression matches your inner desire. This task and others can be easily handled once you dive into action. Unexpected associations may come up. Some with friends or about them. Don’t stuff those thoughts! Do something with them! Say something!

May 10 Tuesday
With Tuesday’s Gemini Moon we may be able to articulate some concept that has been eluding us. It could be that gift of understanding what has been brushing around and inside us since Sunday’s new Moon. Perhaps it’s something to do with Mother Nature and how she enhances our ability to find meaning in our personal universe, or how she mirrors the bounty within ourselves. There’s a spirit of adventure and discovery afoot today. It can show us how we let our souls guide us, especially when it comes to scouting about or pursuing an ideal with eyes on the target.

May 11 Wednesday
The Moon is void of course in Gemini Wednesday morning. We may feel blown about by crosswinds. But at 11:20 am, MDT, the scatteredness dissipates as the Moon moves into Cancer. With a little care and vigilance today, we may be able to develop a form for what has personally emerged in this lunation cycle. It may have to do with how we think, how we deal with misconceptions and useless opinions. The inner wellspring of our being is easily accessible with Cancer, and it may reveal previously masked secrets that our subconscious no longer wants to hide.

May 12 Thursday
Thursday’s Cancer Moon is in her crescent phase. It is the time for us to thoroughly convince ourselves that some specific object, be it a habit or an attitude, is worth pursuing. In this particular cycle we’re prodded to control our hearts and minds in such a way that they can make contact with unseen parts of ourselves as well as with a circle of relations that can show us how to live musically. These nurturers may be family members, ancestors, or the hidden ones. We are they, especially to others. There is grace to be had on this path that delivers us from life’s turbulent moments.

May 13 Friday
Friday morning’s Cancer Moon supports us in critiquing and giving value to our habits and thinking. At 9:04 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over fourteen hours! Retreat into your own shell! Imagine that you have the safest, toughest boundaries to protect yourself and others from the danger of asserting too much in the misty vagueness of this day. This is a time for envisioning and shaping creations within yourself. Watch for rapids in the flow of daydreaming! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

May 14
SaturdayWe have a Leo Moon for the weekend. Two days rich with ideas yearning to be expressed! The easy-going, exuberant spirit of Leo can keep us moving forward yet there’s a restlessness that may be unable to maneuver through the impetuous, eruptive energies of this weekend. Enjoy the playfulness of this Moon, but be present and aware of your surroundings and behavior. Accidents frequently show up when Mars and Uranus closely interact as they do Sunday morning. This combination along with the Leo Moon can produce stunning fireworks that cheer our hearts to move forward with confidence.


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy your show on KSFR....Thanks.


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