Sunday, July 31, 2005

Week of Balsamic & New Moon

August 1 Monday
At 6:52 am, MDT, the Moon in her balsamic phase enters Cancer, feeling vulnerable to the collective deluge of images that she has gathered and shipped to us over the past month. We may be caught off guard as we get inundated by waves of connective streams of consciousness. If we follow the natural flow of information, we may find new terrain that excites our minds and fuels our next quest. Look for the common tie that binds together today’s experiences. This may involve letting go of self-protective attitudes to encompass more.

August 2 Tuesday
Tuesday’s balsamic Cancer Moon is gathering the emotional residue of this cycle as she returns to where she last encountered the Sun. She is at that spot right after she goes void of course at 9:59 am, MDT. And she will be in that boundless state until tomorrow night at 7:10 pm. Don’t panic, we have all that we need to buoy us through a day of metaphorically free-floating with no land in sight. Pretend that you’ve exhausted your familiar world, especially the unproductive parts that surfaced this past month. Let them drown as you move towards a light signaling new life ahead.

August 3 Wednesday
The Cancer Moon is void of course most of today, her last day of this lunation cycle. We can maintain a feeling of security during this unsteady time if we focus inward and withdraw from outer activities as much as possible. Stormy turbulence can occur in social scenes. If encountered, let it wash away down some gutter never to be felt again. The Moon moves into sunny Leo at 7:10 pm, MDT, and even if actual summer storm clouds do leave, the night will be dark, lit up only by the stars, reminding us to let our own light shine as well.

August 4 Thursday
Last night the Leo Moon met Saturn for the first time since that planet entered Leo. Have you noticed a shift from security or production issues towards how you can be in a space more conducive to pursuing your heart’s desires? Are you looking at how you might creatively express your authority or some structure in your life? At 9:05 pm, MDT, we have a new Moon in Leo, characterized by information from our life’s experiences and more specifically those of the past four months. How can we disassociate from what no longer holds our attention and be true to our creative urges?

August 5 Friday
Friday’s Leo Moon has a slight celebratory spark, having boldly gotten beyond the constraints of Saturn. We may feel a readiness for spectacular achievements if we are compelled to enter a new phase of existence! At 3:45 pm MDT, the Moon goes void of course until Saturday morning at 7:54 when she enters Virgo. During this period we may experience subtle displays of creativity and the impulses of the new Moon phase may seem nebulous. Just be receptive to theatrics for inspiration. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

August 6 SaturdayWe have a Virgo Moon for the weekend. The discernment of this sign can help us stake out a new direction if we use the adventurous nature of the Leo Sun and not stick with the same old routines of following familiar landmarks. Try going out on a limb with new approaches. On Sunday gather the best of new impulses felt over the past two days, especially those instinctual ones. Sort them out to see how they might improve your life or fragment it. Listen to your inner critic while doing this. Attending to new ideas at this time can propel you into more forceful self-expression.


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