Sunday, May 15, 2005

Second Quarter of Cycle

May 16 Monday
The Moon is in her second quarter, this is a week for action, development, and productivity. While Luna is void of course this morning in Leo, flare-ups of the past week subdue. And our imaginations dwell on how to fulfill commitments. At 11:46 am, MDT, the Moon moves into Virgo, helping us take on and churn out the tasks of the day. Moreover, wisdom may appear in the form of a teacher or mentor providing critical attributes needed to acquire whatever is being sought. Of course it is imperative that we take to heart lessons given and apply them immediately.

May 17 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Virgo Moon stirs up our work with gutsy challenges to integrate common and uncommon pairs, like soil and plants, rebels and mystics, pioneers and settlers. And more specifically Virgo knows how to analyze the links between them . She can take clutter and complexity and know exactly what needs to be done and how, to get the results desired. Analyze all kinds of relationships: people, ideas, stuff, you name it! There’s energy to marshal forces for cutting through and clearing out all sorts of debris, psychic or physical.

May 18 Wednesday
The Moon is in Virgo, a sign that understands the need for help that humans, as well as other animals, have. Assisting others is not always an altruistic deed for Virgo. Sometimes it provides a service purely for its own gain. When this characteristic is employed today, it can appear highly manipulative. So scrutinize motives! If you have been diligently clearing space to improve how you move through the game of life, now is when a sensible, effective technique may crystallize that can handle what needs to happen to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

May 19 Thursday
The Moon is in Libra this Thursday: choices, choices, choices, lots of them! Take advantage of the calmness of this sign to sort though options to choose what is proper and favorable. Yet treat your choice as a springboard to experiencing self-mastery. This may sound like serious negotiating. It is, but it need not be done with a stoic demeanor. Life is transitory and deserves to be lived joyfully. Create that joy by choosing whatever fanciful, whimsical behavior lights your way. Reserve some time to play with others today!

May 20 Friday
Friday’s Libra Moon is in her gibbous phase, a time to gather loose ends and find their appropriate place. Ascertain what’s operating smoothly and what’s out of sync. What can you weave together with your own stylistic flare that balances needs? At 6:40 pm, MDT the Moon goes void of course until early Saturday morning. Make plans for Friday night before this time. Otherwise you might vacillate and muddle through the evening. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

May 21
SaturdayWe have a Scorpio Moon for the weekend, helping us intuit any hidden substantial debris we still need to eliminate to understand how we each personally cultivate strategies that lead to self-knowledge and liberty. We can refine paths to worlds within worlds. Allowing for self-evasion may bring on a bout with depression Sunday morning. Focus on the heart of your existence. Yes, ponder deeper implications of your beingness and your activities. What if each of us has our own whirlpool in the cosmic ocean, and we brighten it with our tropical colors!


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