Saturday, July 02, 2005

New Moon in Cancer

July 4 Monday
This morning’s inquisitive Gemini Moon may expose some potent opportunities. At 10:36 am, MDT, She goes void of course for the rest of the day. During this time, the Moon is not strongly engaged with the Sun and the planets before she enters the next sign. She is emptying out, dispersing the Gemini energy. We can be surrounded by a pile of information, some highly intelligent, mixed with silly tidbits and low-life gossip. We can be swept away by eloquent, compelling ideas as well as by flaky, superficial ones. Absorb inspiration and delay decision-making. Happy Birthday, America!

July 5 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Cancer Moon has a womb-like quality, as she is in her darkest time before giving birth at the New Moon tomorrow. Imagine that you are carrying a seed. It’s essence is to satiate you and give you the comfort that comes from companionship. It’s potential is to penetrate experiences and illuminate their meanings. We are challenged today to take in huge possibilities. Some of which can support us in the ongoing process of becoming the enlightened individual. Light-heartedness meets some sobering insights today!

July 6 Wednesday
The Moon meets the Sun today in Cancer at 6:02 am, MDT. This new Moon gives life to a feeling of satiation that comes from fully participating in social rituals. To appreciate and build on the import of this perception, we need to pause, perhaps rest, and digest our experiences over the past three months, especially those with people we consider family, maybe a circle of friends. Internal processes want our attention, yet dwelling there might be difficult. There’s a restlessness to want to take external action with a new Moon. We may feel polarized.

July 7 Thursday
Thursday starts with a Cancer Moon that feels like it’s hugging us with strength and showering us with portraits of our past creations. At 10:54 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over two hours, feeding us with a deluge of images that we cannot disregard. At 1:11 pm, the Moon enters Leo, encouraging us to not ignore the outside world while differentiating between what we have experienced and what we can and want to partake of. The Leonine need for an audience whose witness validates the creative self, may lead to an infectious outburst of emotions.

July 8 Friday
With Friday’s Leo Moon we may begin to play with our memories of relationships and see how far-reaching our essential patterns of talents and abilities have been in forming those connections. And through listening to our hearts speak, we may discern how much we have acted out of concern for others and how much out of our own need to perform and be seen and heard. How can we wisely and creatively link our past with our future? Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

July 9 Saturday
Saturday morning at 10:49 am, MDT, the Leo Moon goes void of course for the rest of the day. Spontaneity may be the keynote for our behavior. Cheerfully allow it to help you blaze through the day, trusting that all that needs doing, will be done. Sunday the Moon is in Virgo and enters her crescent phase at 8:56 am. This begins a time when it is important to take the feelings birthed with Wednesday’s New Moon into uncharted territory that values their potential. With Virgo, it’s time to dig in and display composure in awkward pursuits and social situations.


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