Sunday, June 12, 2005

Second Quarter of Cycle

June 13 Monday
We are in the highly productive waxing part of the Moon’s cycle with a Virgo Moon to assist us in putting the pieces together. Hopefully we are steadily progressing in gaining insights into our ongoing maturation process. Many issues ripen today. Some may include the waning usefulness of early conditioning. Others center on problems of attachment and independence. To stay on a path of growing more into yourself, take the time to clear out the clutter of your younger days. Free yourself of things that hold you back, that act like rubber bands pulling you into a tighter familiar circle.

June 14 Tuesday
Tuesday’s thorough Virgo Moon may have her hands full. The best of her organization may be undermined. This can leave her in a masochistic funk of procrastination. Be versatile and resourceful. No matter what, look for the bright side! This evening at 7:22, MDT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase. This period is a time to give our all to a task or project. If it is taking a more responsible view of your life, it may be time to lay some behaviors or attitudes to rest, to be ready to acknowledge and embrace a different role in your life.

June 15 Wednesday
There’s a void of course Virgo Moon in the early morning hours, creating a climate of introspection, good for analyzing dreams. At 6:59 am, MDT, the Moon enters Libra, emanating a sense of contrasts. Our surroundings seem different, as if a heavy fog has lifted. Libra tends to repel unattractiveness. If such resistance comes up, examine it closely for which characteristics can be altered to achieve desirability. Don’t depend on previous experiences to do this. Rather look inward for a sense of what will make it right for the adult in you.

June 16 Thursday
Thursday’s Libra Moon provides experiences of engagement with others that can place us on that fence between being responsible and not being responsible. People we encounter foster the image of a future self yet unseen. Care must be taken not to be swept into someone else’s ideal. Libra so identifies with the other that it is easy to be persuaded, even rationally. So much so that one’s own vision can be missing in the decision making process. Look closely at how you have been influenced in past relationships, and whether or not your need to be involved has inhibited your own development.

June 17 Friday
Friday morning’s Libra Moon urges us not to be pulled down by depressing circumstances. We can leave behind certain situations by keeping our sights on goals. At 9:02 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over six hours, releasing any of the vacillation or indecisiveness of Libra. Be kind during this period, especially to yourself! At 3:23 pm the Moon enters resourceful Scorpio. She can handle and work out any difficulty! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

June 18 Saturday
We have a potent Scorpio Moon for most of the weekend, entering her gibbous phase at 1:58 pm, MDT. During this phase we can best incorporate behaviors or methods that assist in fulfilling our objectives. It is time to perfect whatever is being sought so that one is freed from past experiences. Scorpio can perceive the undercurrents of our psychological patterns and where changes can reveal the secrets of our inner wisdom. On Sunday at 2:06 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over five hours. Using this time in a meditative mode can lead to unusual revelations. At 7:45 pm the Moon enters forthright Sagittarius.


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