Sunday, May 29, 2005

Last Quarter Phase

May 30 Monday
We start the week with a last quarter Pisces Moon, luring us to the brink of a precipice, perhaps high in the Rocky Mountains, where we might entertain lofty thoughts and allow our minds to plunge into their implications. Be careful as Pisces can take us to the edge where sanity meets insanity. Pisces Moon is hyper-tuned to the feelings in its surroundings. Take direction from your inner compass and let yourself be your first and foremost responsibility. Don’t jump to conclusions; probe for the truth. Perhaps harmony will follow.

May 31 Tuesday
With Tuesday’s Pisces Moon our eyes are like colored glass kaleidoscopes able to take in something new in myriad ways. Our relationships to people and certain social milieus depend on our assumptions and expectations that reflect our yearnings in their regard. Explore the pros and cons of these relationships. The Moon goes void of course at 11:53 am, MDT, for six hours. During this reflective period we can learn much about our beliefs concerning social connections. We just need to be passive, receptive. At 6:07 pm the Moon surfs into Aries for a unique evening.

June 1 Wednesday
The trail-blazing energies of this Aries Moon are strong today. Aries generally focuses outside of self, but during this last quarter we are called to look inward to see what lies ahead. This can enable us to foresee potential issues and have an inner sense of direction. The question is, will we allow are skills to be enriched through inspiration? Aries naturally is inclined to act on intuition, to seize the impulse of the moment and do something with it. This can be beneficial at this time if we have identified an ideal to pursue with this raw energy.

June 2 Thursday
Thursday’s Aries Moon seeks to experience and loosen up the spiraling potential within one’s self that is ripe and ready to be unleashed. Simply beginning the journey inward toward self-discovery sets off chain reactions, and one trail leads to another and another and another. Each fork is lit by frenzied sparks of doubt and repression being released. Bright displays color the way and validate that this path leads to blessings. For those seeking inner knowledge there are special moments today offering stunning self reflections.

June 3 Friday
The Moon is in Taurus in her balsamic phase, a good time for managing resources so that they can be useful in future endeavors. Yet don’t make decisions or take willful actions during this phase, as you might be disappointed. This is a time for releasing energies and perceiving how they intermingle and fit together. New ideas, products, or relationships might enter your life now. Be observant of their worthiness and hold off jumping out of the starting gate. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

June 4 Saturday
We have a Taurus Moon Saturday, bearing fertile seeds for us to sow for the new Moon on Monday. Practical Taurus reminds us that some seeds go by the wayside, and others must overcome tremendous challenges. Yet the balsamic Moon phase offers a vast grasp of what is possible and the imagination to bring it into reality. Sunday morning at 8:36 am, MDT, the Moon moves into Gemini after nine hours of being void of course. Many things might fascinate and divert your mind so set aside some time to consider how you might wisely maneuver through the week ahead starting with Monday’s new Moon.


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