Sunday, August 14, 2005

First Quarter, Gibbous, & Full Moon

August 15 Monday
Monday’s Sagittarius Moon offers an optimistic feeling of having established some control over the challenges of the passed two days. Yet we need to harvest the lessons learned from our experiences of inertia around functions we’ve been attracted to. Non-action can provoke questions best pondered during the void of course period beginning at 2:43 pm, MDT. This expansive, visionary state lasts for two and a half hours, dispersing a potpourri of insights that can be seasoned with doubt or spiritual conviction. At 5:13 pm, the Moon enters purposeful Capricorn.

August 16 Tuesday
At 7:38 am, MDT, the Capricorn Moon enters her gibbous phase. It’s time to gather all the experiences, insights included, that one has had since August 4th New Moon and weave them into a finished product by the full Moon on Friday. There are opportunities this morning to get a clear picture of what is going on. Trust your instincts. Persistent exertion helps put little finishing touches on the present context of your creative enterprises. At 7:02 pm, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow evening! Too tight a control on self or events can be crazy-making during this unbounded space of time.

August 17 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Capricorn Moon is void of course most of the day. Probing deeply into issues can bring inspiration that has a lasting impact. This won’t be easy to do as a void Moon has no specific direction and reflects that in us, leaving us easily led astray. If you do veer off course and get overwhelmed, avoid being judgmental. Trust in a higher wisdom that may reveal itself after the Moon enters Aquarius at 5:39 pm, MDT. Aquarius can jolt us out of the doldrums and into a resonance with emotional attractions. This evokes a sense of how committed we are to our personal success.

August 18 Thursday
This morning’s Aquarius Moon offers us a broad view of how in sync we are with the process of expressing ourselves anew. Tangential differences stand out as well as how we might cut through illusions. Some of us may find this irritating. Yet knowing how things shape up and where we’re operating in the big picture can help us chart our course and propel us forward. Our intentions and our actions will show us how responsible we are being. As the day unfolds the validation we are seeking may come to us in surprising occurrences. And there’s more to be revealed under the light of tonight’s almost full Moon.

August 19 Friday
At 11:53 am, MDT, the Aquarius Moon is at her fullest opposite the Sun, reflecting new perspectives on how you live your life and the possibilities of new worlds coming into being, as you realize how you can continuously create yourself anew. At the same time as the full Moon occurs, she also goes void of course for five hours. During this highly spiritual time, we may be gifted with extraordinary self revelations, especially about loyalty or betrayal issues. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

August 20 Saturday
We have a Pisces Moon for most of the weekend. We can combine forces for improved clarity and increased energy to handle Saturday’s situations. If we’re learning the lessons about how to let go and evolve, the strangeness of living life boldly and powerfully in foreign circumstances will slip away. We’ll begin to see how it’s all connected. Early Sunday Morning the Moon goes void of course. This dissolves all boundaries, and our experiences can seem mythic. Alchemical transformations can occur like dreams becoming reality.


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