Sunday, August 13, 2006

Disseminating & Balsamic Moon

August 14 Monday
We start the week with a Taurus disseminating Moon, bringing an earthy, grounded understanding of what can happen when we know how to connect our spirit world with our physical, material world. This knowledge is available if we attempt to comprehend the confluence of people we have exchanged ideas with over the past month and how those thoughts might help us get beyond certain social inhibitions. We have the opportunity to perceive how self-doubts have been overcome with the new self that has been allowed to emerge.

August 15 Tuesday
The Taurus Moon asks us to recognize the aesthetic impact our re-created self image has. Can we tenaciously channel this image into activities that shift us out of social restrictions? The Moon’s last quarter phase begins tonight at 7:51, MDT. The waning Moon has a strong social focus, and at this midway point in her waning hemisphere, she takes everything inward that has materialized in order to scrutinize how those experiences resonate to a rhythm of overcoming useless patterns or behaviors so that something of great worth and power can be brought about.

August 16 Wednesday
Since beginning her last quarter phase last night, the Taurus Moon has been voiding herself of beautiful garden-like energies of that earth sign. At 8:07 am, MDT, she enters the meandering avenues of Gemini, where she can gather all the valuable information she has acquired that can help her convert old ways into radically different expressions of self. We cannot undo the past, but we can regard it as an example of what not to do or of what we no longer want or need. Gemini reminds us that knowledge and truth can set us free to pursue our own interests.

August 17 Thursday
Thursday morning’s Gemini Moon is strongly influenced by some eccentric yet magnetic thought that seems to get reinforced when we link synchronous connections. Even though this lunation cycle has been about how we express what comes from deep within us, Gemini is reminding us of who we are in relation to others and how we participate with them. By orienting ourselves to deep inner stirrings we can connect the spirit world within to our outer reality. And in a stunning fashion, if sincere, we can transmit volumes about the sensitivity and intuition behind our persona.

August 18 Friday
The Gemini Moon suggests we pause this morning to appreciate our connections to the “God World” as Jung has named that inner domain of infinite imagery. At 6:30 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over eight hours of blowing out the diverse thoughts of Gemini. Think about the ideas that enter your mind; don’t just dismiss them without examination! At 3:03 pm, the Moon enters the image-sensitive waters of Cancer. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 19 Saturday At 1:07 pm, MDT, the Cancer Moon enters her balsamic phase and with super-mom abilities helps us attend to the complexities of each moment while wrapping us in the cocoon darkness of this phase to help us single out and nurture an outline of what can be birthed with the new Moon on Wednesday. The Cancer Moon will be void of course most of Sunday, helping us feel in our bones the next stage of the evolution of our consciousness. Go with the flow on Sunday. Just after midnight the Moon enters Leo emphasizing the introspective process of its creative nature.


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