Monday, November 13, 2006

Last Quarter & Balsamic Moon

November 13 Monday
At 6:18 am, MST, the Moon leaves the sign of Leo and enters Virgo, reflecting an energetic space for reorganizing routines to suit an inner sense of a new direction approaching. The Moon is in one of Mercury’s signs, and both Mercury retrograde and the Moon are slowing down in their daily travel. This can represent our minds wanting a break from biological or social requirements. Instinct and intuition can be clearly heard. Notice the distinct qualities of your mind’s perceptions today. Notice if your sense of time is slow or fast or in a space of no time.

November 14 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Virgo Moon accentuates our basic drives to do the right thing. You decide because only you can figure out what you most need by getting at deeper interconnections, and in a discernment mode you can recognize your optimal course. Today’s actions call for some healthy realism as there is an appetite for escapist fantasy fueled by an imagination curious about the inner worlds. We may cloak our feelings with an air of boldness displaying overconfidence. Yet what comes up may reveal the truth of circumstances and expose any phoniness.

November 15 Wednesday
This Virgo Moon may be feeling like she’s got everything under control as she prepares for the changes ahead, in spite of some unexpected intrusions. This Moon is associating herself with social issues she is attached to yet knows will undergo dramatic changes. This connection enlivens the theme of the new Moon on Monday with gentle and generous optimism and stirs within us the question of unconditional commitment. At 3:41 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course for three and a half hours, releasing Virgo’s determination. At 7:14 pm, she enters the calmness of Libra.

November 16 Thursday
The Libra Moon reminds us of the transition we are in from one cycle to another and of what needs to be maintained and what needs to be liberated. At 2:18 pm, MST, the Moon enters her balsamic phase, a time for displaying proficiency at many tasks, such as sorting out keepers and giveaways. This cycle emphasizes letting go of the rough circumstances encountered over the passed three weeks and welcoming some quiet, still moments to envision how you promote the existence of something dear to your heart and soul, the theme of the next moon cycle.

November 17 Friday
Friday’s Libra Moon is ultra-sensitive to hidden forces, and her protective nature surfaces as physical and mental energies seem inhibited or drained. Disorientation and foolhardiness take over. As Mercury goes direct at 5:25 pm, MST, the Moon suggests we reorganize social activities so that they meet our standards for peaceful exchanges. A void of course Moon after 10:41 pm will connect with the starting point of this present lunation. Check your dreams for insights on your progress. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 18 Saturday
These last two days of this Moon cycle are darkened with a balsamic Moon in Scorpio where she will next meet the Sun on Monday morning. The dark inner worlds portrayed by Scorpio and the dark nights of this phase when the Moon is not seen, suggest that our power lies within. And strangely, that power seems linked to others with unbreakable ties. This is a weekend for retreating to breathe fresh energy into social bonds and be able to decipher intimations of what is emerging with the next new Moon.


At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just stopped by for the first time!! I have Yahoo as my service provider, (Poor Me!!) but I finally found something of value, your offering on the Moon Cycles!!

I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all your hard work!! I noticed knowone has posted so much as a 'drop dead' statement so I felt it important to let you know that you are appreciated!!

Thanks again...



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