Monday, November 20, 2006

New & Crescent Moon

November 20 Monday
Monday morning’s Scorpio Moon reminds us of the challenges of the holiday season that vividly presents the contrast of progress and tradition. The new Moon at 3:18 pm, MST, can bring up memories of past sacrifices for the sake of family. Aside from the recollection of holidays past, this lunation awakens memories of old attachments and enmeshments. Heart cords are enlivened, as well as childhood memories. Feelings can get over-inflated and may need expression. Relax and investigate these from 4:54 pm till 6:15 pm while the Moon is void of course. After that time she’ll be in upbeat Sagittarius.

November 21 Tuesday
The Sagittarius Moon reminds us of the grand feats of our past. Some of them may be dusty trophies that have little or no influence on where we are heading other than to remind us occasionally of where we’ve been. If we let go of these relics, will we really miss them? Of course some objects remind us of former colleagues who remain in our hearts, the best place for them. Moving forward on one’s personal quest can be lonely, and sometimes there is not time or space for past togetherness. Try not to get trapped or delayed by your social persona.

November 22 Wednesday
Both the Moon and the Sun are in Sagittarius amplifying an urge to bring the best of the past into the future. And our thinking may be a little detached from old ways. We can set an optimistic attitude and a sense of adventure around tomorrow’s holiday. By embodying the spirit we would like to share with others, we can promote the type of season we would like it to be. At 6:19 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course, discharging the forthright, high-minded spirit of Sagittarius. Give some thought to generosity this evening! The Moon will entered well-traveled Capricorn in the early morning.

November 23 Thursday
The Moon entered Capricorn early this morning, supporting those of you who got up early to put the turkey in the oven! Capricorn is well-versed in traditional rituals and can help us maintain the best of the past. Jupiter enters Sagittarius this evening promoting camaraderie, but watch out for an over-inflated sense of it earlier in the day, side-step obstacles. Before the day is over, give some thought to how you are valuing bonds of the past, what connections could be released, and which old talents warrant resurfacing. Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24 Friday
The Capricorn Moon enters her crescent Moon phase this morning at 9:50 MST. It’s time to give much attention to what has emerged this week regarding the theme of what has sustained you in the past. Yet avoid getting stuck in the past. The old resources might provide the strategy or means to know what to leave behind and what to get ready to display. The Moon goes void of course at 6:43 pm, MST, releasing Capricorn’s old gems tonight. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 25 Saturday
The Moon entered Aquarius this morning at 8:41 am, MST, helping us recognize which old habits have little or no juice in them and are best discarded and which familiar behaviors deserve encouragement and rejuvenation. Sunday’s Aquarius Moon favors flights of fancy over boxed in reality. Throw off obstacles to having your dreams come true. Promote the genius in you, and let it enlighten you. The Moon will be void of course most of Monday morning so don’t be surprised if it’s different than most Mondays.


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