Monday, December 04, 2006

Full & Disseminating Moon

December 4 Monday
Throughout the day we may feel obsessed by some haunting memory difficult to access yet seemingly related to a need to come to terms with some internal conflicts having to do with keeping certain creative abilities alive. The Gemini Moon suggests versatility in how we adjust to problems today as she approaches her wholeness. At 5:25 pm, MST, we have a full Moon, beginning to reveal the gifts and talents with which our personal and soul heritage has endowed us. Are we able to continue to explore the full range of our capabilities or are we shutting down as if everything is final.

December 5 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Gemini Moon offers us a measure of our confidence in our ability to set aside pressing concerns and let higher powers provide what is desired. There is grace in everyday life, and with some re-ordering of priorities we can eliminate any sense of separation from it. At 4:12 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course, exhaling a multitude of Gemini’s various thoughts. Some of which may help us mentally recoup from any sense of loss, as Saturn, the strict teacher, holds us to tasks at hand as it goes retrograde. The Moon enters comforting Cancer at 11:00 pm.

December 6 Wednesday
With Wednesday’s Cancer Moon we may feel like engaging others emotionally, having a good heart-to-heart exchange. If not with other people, we may get our rational and emotional minds to converse with each other about how we protect our creativity. New directions may be discovered by allowing bizarre or even maverick tendencies to be expressed. At 6:13 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course until early Friday morning! If you can, plan to spend Thursday in quiet seclusion. It can be a day rich with instinctual and intuitive insights! Keep a low profile.

December 7 Thursday
The Moon is void of course all day! She is draining herself of the nurturing waters of Cancer that provide not only sustenance but a sense of containment and growth or development. Retreating to a safe and serene haven is ideal today. Uncertainty and confusion often show up during times that are so porous, so open to whatever surrounds one. Ponder over images that support your ongoing unfoldment. Preoccupy yourself with sensual exploration and feelings of delight that connote prosperity. At 4:52 Friday morning, MST, the Moon enters vivacious Leo!

December 8 Friday
The Leo Moon enters her disseminating phase at 7:23 am, MST, rekindling our inner spirit and arousing a desire to tell our personal stories. This phase is when we need to show and tell what we have discovered, especially about how we stand up for our creations. In sharing, take note of what, if anything, could be labeled successful, and if the direction you are taking is encouraging. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 9 Saturday
Saturday’s Leo Moon may demonstrate flamboyantly what is really doing on. Leo can seem playful, but there is, however, a very serious message being delivered about facing the realities of life from several perspectives to recognize the powerful forces at play. And what does it mean to be true to one’s creative nature and resources? On Sunday from 1:35 pm, MST, until 2:31 pm, the Moon will be void of course, dampening and putting out the heart-warming fire of Leo. Then she will enter Virgo, courageously and optimistically digging into options.


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