Monday, April 09, 2007

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

April 9 Monday
The Moon is in Capricorn which can bring feelings of dependency on the status quo. Straying from the tried and true path can be worrisome. Yet the Capricorn Moon seeks success and instinctively goes beyond the boundaries to find it. With a spirit of trust, we too can leave familiar territory and orient ourselves to extraordinary feelings of oneness with a higher purpose. Pay attention to emotional longings. Focusing on them can take us inward where we can access fresh, open-ended images from the superconscious mind. With Capricorn we can discern how seriously we want to take things.

April 10 Tuesday
The Capricorn Moon enters her last quarter phase at 12:04 pm, MDT. This is a time when we can keenly comprehend the meaning, value, and purpose of the Moon cycle. And this lunation appears to be about making connections, finding the strength to do one’s part in a larger process and adhering to that course of action. This calls for gathering all of one’s resources and using them with deep appreciation to accomplish what might seem impossible. Humble strategy and efficiency that is willing to express what is true may bring success.

April 11 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Aquarius Moon reminds us of the immense opportunities available when we embrace a path with an awareness of how what we do reverberates in the collective energy field. Our conscious intentions for the whole of existence, at least on this planet, bring us into synchronistic occurrences that generate more desirous possibilities. Each circumstance can be an opening into a space wherein our inventive imaginations can express in a way that feels purposeful. Overall this day offers the chance to unite people around a common vision.

April 12 Thursday
This morning’s Aquarius Moon provides a climate for balancing one’s heavy feelings with tenderness. Aquarius is generally considered a cool or even energy but that doesn’t mean it’s devoid of excessive or out of control behavior. This afternoon there may be many spiritual revelations or a giant “a-ha” around how one has been playing one’s part or providing one’s talents to some greater social project. With increased sensitivity, we may see how we have been in unison or out of step with others. We have the opportunity to establish patterns that coordinate our abilities and efforts to make changes.

April 13 Friday
The Aquarius Moon goes void of course at 7:50 am, MDT for almost two hours. Notice how you contribute to the flow of humanity as the Moon blows out the altruistic side of Aquarius. At 9:39 am, The Moon moves into Pisces and tunes into the undercurrent of things, hoping to glimpse what’s on the horizon. This evening there’s a quickening feeling of something special emerging. Have the courage to consider a new direction. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 14 Saturday
Early this morning the Pisces Moon entered her balsamic phase. This is a time of releasing outmoded, useless habits one has uncovered during this Moon cycle. It’s also a time to nurture a vision of how one can surpass oneself or go beyond one’s usual expectations. Accepting one’s present behaviors and envisioning the attainment of future needs in different ways may be challenging today. On Sunday at 9:02 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over an hour. This is a good time for seeking inner guidance for birthing new behaviors. At 10:47 am, the Moon moves into Aries, enlivening the day with new ideas!


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