Saturday, August 11, 2007

New and Crescent Moon

August 13 Monday
The Moon goes void of course at 7:34 am, MDT, dimming the vibrant light of Leo for almost five hours, creating an elusive ambivance in which things can easily get overlooked. At 12:03 pm, She moves into ritual-loving Virgo. What routines are typical for you during the noon hour? Do they nourish your soul? Uplift your spirits? And, if so, who do you give thanks to for that? There’s an intoxicating nature to be felt on this day. It can turn sour and take the life out of a potentially exciting time. Or it can help you to soar with a joy that lets go of inhibitions.

August 14 Tuesday
The Virgo Moon can provide feelings of innocence, of coming at things as if for the first time, and daring us to see how everything fits together. Virgo brings the attributes of the observer who awakens to the fact that her presence changes everything. Her intelligence witnesses and registers it all so that she can bring her past and present together, the little and the grand events. Put on your Virgo glasses of discernment to behold and respond to some facet of your life today. In the fashion of Virgo, make associations that draw things together, even with events that seem disparate on the surface.

August 15 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Virgo Moon offers a degree of adept articulation that can emerge as if from the poof of a magician’s wand. When you feel the urge to communicate, don’t refrain. The influence of your thoughts may have a transformative affect on others, and may bring you into some ritualistic communion with them. The Moon goes void of course at 3:02 pm, MDT, for seven hours of releasing the healthy, virile seeds of Virgo. By retreating into nature we may capture a kernel or two that can restore wholeness to our lives. At 10:04 pm, the Moon moves into the sharing mode of Libra.

August 16 Thursday
The Libra Moon reminds us that our first social responsibility is to ourselves. By starting out the day contacting the spirit within, we may find the sustenance to nurture others in concerted activities. If we don’t, it’s a signal of what might be a missing factor in how we participate in the collective spirit. At 3:12 pm, MDT, the Moon enters her crescent phase, a time to secure the theme that emerged with the new Moon. Over the next three days evaluate how you integrate spiritual laws and rituals into your everyday life. Do you blindly follow them, ignore them, or create your own, drawing from ancient traditions?

August 17 Friday
With this Libra Moon we may easily find the means to have space and/or time to care for inner needs not addressed by the externals in our lives. Venus, Libra’s planet, conjoins with the Sun tonight, highlighting getting what is wanted and securing the wherewithal to attract absolutely anything. This can include detaching from past practices that no longer hold value and seeing how things get introduced or recycled into our lives. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 18 Saturday
The Moon entered the sign of Scorpio this morning at 10:13 am, MDT, after voiding the mediating mind of Libra for four hours. Saturday’s planetary climate supports serious thinking and responsibly thorough communication. Be extra careful if exploring ideas or activities that are unfamiliar to you. Weekends are traditionally and culturally days of socializing according to beliefs. The Scorpio Moon suggests linking with companion souls, combining forces to shift from everyday routines into an arena that can liberate spirits and detect the mysteries of our incarnated souls.


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