Monday, June 25, 2007

Gibbous and Full Moon

June 25 Monday
This Scorpio Moon can show us whether or not we have found a technique that develops our level of agility at attuning to our spiritual inclinations. If we’re grumpy, stuck, or just plain depressed, those feelings can be warning signals that we’re ignoring opportunities to get rid of corrupting behaviors and decaying thoughts. This can change momentarily by turning one’s attention to whatever is rejuvenating. For Scorpio this can be a good mystery story or solving a game puzzle. Seek ways to enhance and enchant your present situation.

June 26 Tuesday
The Scorpio Moon enters her gibbous phase at 9:58 pm, MDT. It’s time to quicken experiences that lead to a spiritual attunement. Concentrate on opening awareness to the hidden factors in give and take exchanges. How do they come together? Are there converging forces that include a domineering attitude with a compassionate one? Try to rise above difficulties with a peaceful approach. Difficult worldly situations can be transcended by holding to idealized images. The Moon goes void of course at 2:23 pm, until tomorrow morning. Allow yourself to be swept away by many of the amazing changes in each moment.

June 27 Wednesday
The Moon leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius at 6:24 am, MDT, providing an upbeat ambiance for renewing one’s pursuit of an ideal. By moving in ways that come naturally we may stimulate others to do their best. This can also expand our ability to anticipate the direction something or someone will take, and create a feeling of natural support. Notice how this reveals the instinctual basis of our social interactions. Many of our hidden assumptions spring from the common experience of instincts. Understanding our drive for life enhances our sense of spirit.

June 28 Thursday
The growing Sagittarius gibbous Moon wants it all! And the Sun and Mercury retrograde conjoining today bring her light full of imaginative, emotional freedom! We can have a plethora of magical feelings or mood swings. You choose! Can you dwell on good conditions and leave problems behind, especially when things get unstable, as they might this afternoon? Try treating the unexpected as a thrilling new opportunity! Seek the company of those who are uninhibited, unafraid of looking foolish. They may help you to see things differently.

June 29 Friday
This morning’s Sagittarius Moon probes the depths and provides the power to grow. At 11:07 am, MDT, she goes void of course, intensifying the possibly of heightened intuition as she consumes Sagittarian wisdom. At 4:05 pm, the Moon moves into Capricorn and gathers optimistic stamina to attain what is needed to manifest what is hoped for with tomorrow’s full Moon. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 30 Saturday
The Capricorn Moon reached her fullness at 7:49 MDT, this morning, beginning a revelation process of how things operate on different levels, and how greater beings guide us. We may realize how the flow of inspiration begins on the inside, as we grope for some ideal and begin to test it, no matter how unsolid the circumstances. The Moon goes void of course during the night and throughout most of Sunday, testing our commitment to our ideals. Reality is a slippery thing as the Moon shovels out the light of Capricorn. Notice if you believe more in what is obvious than in the hidden workings of spirit.


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