Saturday, June 16, 2007

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

June 18 Monday
We start the week with a Leo Moon, high on drama. Emotions get inflated and overflow. Concerns may arise about looking foolish or acting inappropriately. Speak from your heart, and express your feelings. Your life is more important than fiction. The Moon enters her crescent phase at 9:07 am, MDT. There is always more to be played. Can we shift our focus from acts of the past to future portrayals of deepening and ripening connections? We are near a halfway point in a transitional year. Freedom from the past is needed to creatively progress.

June 19 Tuesday
There’s a lot of cosmic fire fueling this exuberant Leo Moon. Eagerness, excitement, and passion rule if we can let them encourage us to pursue a cherished dream. Awareness of what we truly long for strokes our hearts to take us to a way of being and doing that unites us with what we seek. At 3:22 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over three hours. While the Moon releases the embers of warm-hearted Leo, allow yourself to drift forward on your quest by letting your thoughts form the images you desire. At 6:46 pm, the Moon moves into the high definition realm of Virgo.

June 20 Wednesday
The Virgo Moon mirrors the field of possible allies, be they people, ideas, or gadgets, that we use for information or expertise in guiding our decision making. By testing the expectations we have of whatever or whomever serves us, we may sense a thread of commonality on a symbolic level. Notice circumstances often labeled coincidences, synchronicities, or fate, and avoid a tendency to overstate them. Just patiently collect data and treat it like clues that can guide you in connecting the dots that bring you to the joy you seek.

June 21 Thursday
The Virgo Moon brightening the sky this afternoon and evening is perfect for measuring this longest day of the year and how much activity you can pack into it. There’s an erratic quality during the early morning hours. Yet there’s an intense concentration of energy that can overcome restless, defiant urges to acquiese to old security needs without regard for the thrill of new experiences. At 12:07 pm, MDT, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, sparking our spirit to give our all to what we most want to flourish in our lives. Happy Summer Solstice!

June 22 Friday
The Moon moves into Libra at 5:43 am, MDT, and enters her first quarter phase at 7:15 am. It’s time to begin replacing old habits, or developing something that has recently emerged in your awareness. Determine what you want the outcome to be. Try to capture an image of what you want to take shape so that you can use it to recognize the connections needed to attain that ideal. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 23 Saturday
The first quarter Libra Moon can gracefully sort out feelings about the past and where the future lies. She keeps distancing herself from the Sun so that she can take in more light, mirroring for us a process of shedding our blind or dark areas by responsibly following the guidance of our souls, aligning ourselves with an inner psychic participation. On Sunday the Moon goes void of course at 1:22 pm, MDT, offering us an afternoon full of wonder and imagination as she clears herself of Libra. At 6:26 pm, she moves into Scorpio, wanting to go for her desires.


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