Saturday, September 15, 2007

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

September 17 Monday
The Crescent Moon moved into Sagittarius at 6:21 am, MDT. Like her, we can take in more light or understanding of behaviors to be reinforced while shedding some old, stagnating comforts. Such a path may not be well-lit, but if action with intention is taken, markers, or signposts can appear. There’s cosmic support to begin something new. Yet indiscriminate action can lead to frustration or even indignation. Think before you do anything; observe the situation; and pick up on vital signs, on how the circumstances might unfold. Alertness and enthusiasm can help set a course of action.

September 18 Tuesday
This morning’s Sagittarius Moon offers a greater awareness of how we can be trapped in re-occurring patterns, as well as the courage to venture into new territory. Choosing to break away from the past impulsively, if not tempered by self-discipline, can bring some jarring consequences today, as there is some jolting energy about this afternoon. Extricate yourself from restrictive settings. Foresight coupled with creative interpretations of spiritual principles and inspiration can be helpful, especially those having to do with the interdependence of everything in our world.

September 19 Wednesday
The Sagittarius Moon enters her first quarter phase at 10:48 am, MDT. There is lots of tension around this time that can explode into spontaneous action or vacillate in too much self-involvement or self-importance. Find the path that feeds the imagination and exposes you to new experiences. At 10:48, the Moon also goes void of course until this evening. During this period the Moon is putting out the flames of adventurous Sagittarius, building bridges in our minds. Become an armchair traveler, searching within for ways to grow. At 5:52 pm, the Moon moves into industrious Capricorn.

September 20, Thursday
This first quarter Capricorn Moon offers us the discipline and focus needed to adhere to the task of eliminating old forms of behavior that restrict joy, or of cultivating and exhibiting one’s finer points without hubris. Capricorn can get sucked in by social conventions. Today there are opportunities to break away from those stale social traditions that hinder attaining an inner vision of self-mastery. We can achieve a quantum leap in our personal relationship with the cosmos as we have experienced it. Capricorn calls forth the wise fool in us today that knows all the answers yet challenges the rules.

September 21 Friday
After a deeply intense night, perhaps in dreams or mental agonizing, the Capricorn Moon may find us seeking refuge from some developing mental pictures. They are there to assist us in taking strategic, constructive actions, not destructive ones. Take time for some passive reflection about what to hold back on and what to pursue, on where to concentrate your energies. By stilling your mind for awhile, you may suddenly see the connecting patterns that guide you forward with confidence. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

September 22 Saturday
The Moon moved in Aquarius early this morning, and the Sun moves into Libra early Sunday morning. With these air signs emphasized over the weekend we may be keenly aware of how the shape of our lives is influenced by social interactions. At 6:09 am, MDT, Sunday, the Moon enters her gibbous phase. By this time in the cycle we may have pinpointed an ideal expression of some sort of involvement, and it is important to systematically and selectively organize the various factors that fulfill the requirements of that personal vision without overlooking the impact of the present collective condition.


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