Sunday, March 23, 2008

Gibbous and Full Moon

March 17 Monday
The Moon is in flashy Leo on this St. Patrick’s day, taking full pride in any display of tribalism, Irish or not. Leo avidly goes after a celebration. Most parties will do, even the dull ones, because experiencing the contrasts provides Leo with insight about how amazing the inner core of life is in its embrace of whatever is there. Courage abounds to face with confidence whatever appears, because like in most dramas, the actors survive after the play has ended. Whether it’s the bright green of the Irish or of the sprouting plants and budding tree branches, see it as a “go” sign to enjoy life!

March 18 Tuesday
The gibbous Leo Moon this morning shows us how dedicated we have been to going deep within to access guidance. There is a lot of messy, desperation underlying the emotional turmoil that has been erupting during this lunation. We may need to play in the mud to find the resources that clear a path to a better future. At 12:39 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until after midnight. During that time, the Moon dims the brightness of cheery Leo’s personal warmth. Our visibility may feel like it is being swallowed up even in the company of friends. Befriend spirit guides!

March 19 Wednesday
The Moon is in Virgo, helping us integrate the bumps and bruises of the past weeks in such a way that we can achieve an internal balance that surpasses letdowns and tragedies. If we can allow that equilibrium to be transparent, we may be able to move around with a sense of natural support for our uniqueness. Talking about this with a confidante or healer-type person, may lead to some self-revelations and explanations for how we’ve been feeling lately. May the surge of Spring erupt in your dreams tonight! Happy equinox at 11:49 pm, MT!

March 20 Thursday
This first day of Spring begins with the Moon in the autumn sign of Virgo. This can subconsciously help us plan now for what we want to harvest in the future. Just as we start thinking about plants that will enhance our outdoor life, we can connect with subtle influences that improve our inner garden. All we need is to exert ourselves for beauty to proliferate. At 1:28 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. Throughout this period the Moon is shedding herself of the mundane, physical realities of Virgo. It would serve us well if we cultivated our inner reality during this time.

March 21 Friday
Friday begins with the vague feelings of a void of course Virgo Moon. Wait until 9:45 am, MT, to confirm an agenda that is beyond the usual for the perfect day. At that time the Moon moves into idealizing Libra and enters her full phase at 12:40 pm. Personal revelations begin to appear about clashes and power struggles. Ineffective old patterns of resistance become transparent. The challenges of being on an evolutionary edge are tremendous and call for much courage. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 22 Saturday
The full Libra Moon shares multi-dimensional levels of self-discovery that can lead us through the labyrinthine database of our soul’s memories. Creatively connect the insights to invoke changes that develop and reinforce your trust in your intuition. On Sunday at 6:42 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until the evening. While she is fanning out the engaging charm of Libra, acknowledge and seek understanding for all aspects of your life. Many people do not admit how much, and more, there is to living in this complex world both on the internal and external levels. Be the one who does as the Moon enters the journey-wise sign of Scorpio at 8:06 pm.


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