Saturday, April 12, 2008

New and Crescent Moon

April 7 Monday
Even though this new Taurus Moon is blinded by the light of the Sun, she sheds specks of our history, especially the no longer operating accomplishments of the past. They are stepping stones that have led us to this special place called NOW where, by listening to emerging impulses, no matter how awkward they seem, we may be able to direct our actions according to the cravings of our soul. The Moon is savoring possible futures that are impregnated within her and within us, as we share the same maternal web of ever evolving life!

April 8 Tuesday
With the Taurus Moon going void of course at 9:13 am, MT, and spending the rest of daylight dusting the atmosphere with the crystallized natural beauty of Taurus, we may enjoy the time by relying on our instinctive wisdom. If you feel stuck, let go. If you feel mesmerized by something, engage with it. All the while be sensitive to the worthiness of what occupies your attention and how attainable or available it is. The Moon slips into Gemini at 7:27 pm, challenging us to be responsible in exploring and tending to the inner levels of our spirituality.

April 9 Wednesday
The Gemini Moon entered her crescent phase early this morning, a time when we may well be aware of associating with something new. It may be that we are coming at a behavior from a different angle and realizing there is always more to be done. Whatever has been birthed, we need to take it further beyond previously known boundaries. Courageously take action today that allows what is emerging within you to be sustained and circulated. Watch for connections that parallel your psychological or emotional needs. Synchronicities can fuel you with amazing bright ideas!

April 10 Thursday
The agile Gemini Moon interweaves inner and outer experiences to understand the intimate relationship of folly with wisdom. At 10:11 am, MT, she goes void of course until this evening. Along with receiving ideas while the Moon is blowing out information-packed Gemini, we may feel restless, tongue-tied, and scattered. At 8:43 pm, the Moon leaves inquisitive Gemini to withdraw within the protective shell of Cancer. We may feel as if we are floating above the intensity of historical and cultural clashes to navigate according to the needs of our soul.

April 11 Friday
The Cancer Moon beckons us to be receptive to the unlimited inner realms and to respond to the feelings evoked by the infinite. The challenge is to maintain a relationship with both the inner and outer worlds. Notice any contrasts between the interior and exterior existence. We may be motivated to simplify how we’ve organized the complexity of these realms we inhabit. What actions will unify them? Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 12 Saturday
The Cancer Moon entered her first quarter phase at 12:32 pm, MT, and went void of course until after midnight. It’s time to build a sacred space that is porous to all of life and nurtures the joy of self-discovery. Our soul’s antenna can be finely tuned while the Moon pours out the psychic and emotional influences of Cancer. Devote the rest of Saturday to imaging a sense of your soul’s identity. On Sunday the Moon will be in Leo, full of a hunger for spiritual information and opportunities to express that knowledge in fresh, creative ways.


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