Monday, May 05, 2008

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

April 28 Monday
The Aquarius Moon enters her last quarter phase at 8:12 am, MT, as she quietly lowers herself in the western sky. It is important to listen to one’s inner senses and counsel during this period. The setting Moon can symbolize our habits around how we follow, or deviate from, the collective will as we move into the future. The Aquarius Moon reminds us of our common humanity and how we ultimately prosper by bearing one another’s burdens. And the Aquarius part of us shows how we honor and respond to the more evolved inner worlds. How we externally behave can transmute us internally into a communion with those realms.

April 29 Tuesday
With this Aquarius Moon, give equal attention and respect to various ways of knowing, like intuition, rational thought, imagination, mythic-poetic sensitivity, inspirations, psychic communication, and even fantasy. Powerful and strange forces are in the air, and it may take a wide range of perceptive tools to get a hint of their meaning without being overwhelmed, spaced-out, or hyper-stimulated. Take in as much as you can of these “seeds of the future.” Notice what you resonate with and how certain things fit your inner scenarios. Give some thought to how you might attract what appeals to you.

April 30 Wednesday
The Moon is in Pisces, a sign that gives much attention to envisioning an ideal world, utopia. The waning Moon is shrinking into the inner darkness where imagination and dreams conjure up possible futures. If you have a glimpse of some new plans for next week, visualize them unfolding and feel what it will be like carrying out the activities required. Explore as many of the possibilities you would appreciate manifesting. On a mythic level, Pisces represents the Great Mother who gives birth to all things. Where does she dwell within you? How do you make use of her presence?

May 1 Thursday
With this Pisces Moon, we might be thrilled by the process of reforming our personal world. While caught up in the excitement of such creativity, be alert to the use of universal spiritual principles. What we project outwardly is a reflection of what is within us. Give yourself permission to choose what feels good and right for you, and seek understanding what that says about your character. Spontaneously following such impulses can propel you on a path to greater self-discovery. During the dreaming hours of night, the Moon makes her transition from Pisces to Aries, from the womb of all possibilities to a personal projectile.

May 2 Friday
The Moon entered her balsamic phase just after midnight, MT, and a few hours later moved into Aries. This dark, hidden Aries Moon is eager for a new exploration but does not know where to begin. The balsamic phase is a time to allow the underlying forces to guide us. Surrender to frustrations, delays, detours. Trust that all is well orchestrated in the web of life, no matter how uncomfortable it gets. Mental images abound. Make a mind map with them. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 3 Saturday
With Saturday’s Aries Moon we are urged to be quick and thorough, especially when it comes to identifying current factors that are important in the ongoing development of self-mastery. Each of us has so much promise, but can we actualize it with, or without, the approval of others? After midnight the Moon voids herself of Aries and moves into Taurus at 5:58 am, MT, Sunday. This sign represents the epitome of natural beauty, grace, love, and light. Its fertility breeds connections for accessing the means to produce whatever is desired. Getting clarity on that is the challenge.


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