Monday, December 22, 2008

Balsamic and New Moon

December 22 Monday
This Scorpio Moon calls for courage, unselfish motives, and right action when dealing with those with whom you share what is of most value to you. There may be important information to exchange with already long-term companions. Engaging with them brings a sense of pride and joy. And at the same time we may feel a tug to be with unfamiliar people operating at an entirely different social level. It’s important to empower the individual in charge to decide what kind of social dynamic gets energized. This is not an either-or situation. Oh, and you are the person in command.

December 23 Tuesday
The Scorpio Moon entered her balsamic phase early this morning, a time when we may know that we have mastered a behavior, or at least we may acknowledge what we need to do to achieve such expertise. Such consciousness allows for releasing unproductive habits and for receptivity to seeding a new cycle. We harbor within us wondrous worlds ready to gestate. Inner vigilance is required to unite with what is emerging and to be ready to liberate it. The shared energy of this waning cycle has been designed to help find one’s true inner center. Late tonight the hidden Moon sheds herself of Scorpio’s need to overcome the ego self.

December 24 Wednesday
There’s atmospheric excitement and hyper-stimulation with this Sagittarius Moon, distinguished by free-spirited thinking. This compliments the grandiosity, tactless ness, and distractions of the holiday season. Nervous chatter may prevail. It may be important to maintain one’s perspective, keeping in mind the context of social exchanges. Some of us may want to isolate ourselves, or simply slip into an observational mode wherein things can be categorized according to one’s unique filing system. There’s something about this Christmas Eve that will make it easy to break away from tradition.

December 25 Thursday
The Sagittarius Moon features cultural and religious practices. Yet there are yearnings for independence, emancipation from the familial customs, the rhythms of holidays, the social rituals and the usual table talk. During the cooperative practices of the day, allow room for “ice-breaking.” Be receptive of renegade behavior; work events into an imaginary scenario. And most of all take care of personal inner needs not met by external circumstances. On this day celebrating the birth of Christ consciousness, we may be keenly aware of the tug between old ways and innovative ones. The anointed one is creative.

December 26 Friday
With this Sagittarius Moon we may overcome any inertia having to do with the holiday spirit and willingly express outwardly some ritual tradition. The Moon goes void of course at 4:25 pm, MT, for thirty-one minutes of snuffing out the over-extending flames of Sagittarius. At 4:56 pm, she moves into Capricorn to encounter the hard underlying truths of social reality. It may be difficult to let go of old stuff and envision new discoveries on this last day of this Moon cycle. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm,=2 0MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 27 Saturday
We had a new Moon in Capricorn this morning at 5:22, MT. Capricorn seeks to uncover the raw, unadulterated truth. In this new cycle we are offered moments of awareness about how we uncover what is authentic in our daily lives, especially when it comes to how we participate in our social order. How much of our real selves is hidden to the public eye? On Sunday we may get a glimpse of how, if at all, we go against the odds in power battles that can elicit our best honest selves. They may be a test that reveals hidden motivations that support our fortitude or phoniness.


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