Monday, January 26, 2009

New Moon and Crescent Moon

January 26 Monday
At 12:55 am, MT, the Aquarius new Moon eclipsed the Sun and sent out instinctual impulses to start looking at inborn self-knowledge about how we keep reinventing the same patterns in our lives. Aquarius tells us to gather all of our energy inward, for it is only there that we can create anew. No more clinging to the past! There are other planetary forces today that indicate an ease in evaluating our connections on any level with a tendency to go with what is known unless we intentionally cut ourselves off from those influences and act on competing desires.

January 27 Tuesday
This morning8 0s Aquarius Moon brings an awareness of unexpressed habit patterns having to do with over-indulgence that saturates one’s energies. The Moon goes void of course at 10:13 am, MT, spending the rest of the day shaking off the broad, social concerns of Aquarius. During this time it is ideal to refrain from binging in self-pleasuring activities and in outer expressions of social reform. An inward focus, familiar to Aquarius, can free one of unnecessary efforts and allow space to receive new ideas that suggest a proper path to exhilarating wholeness.

January 28 Wednesday
The Moon is in Pisces stirring up feelings about one’s place in the collective mix of people encountered on a daily basis. For those who feel isolated, it is important to develop an awareness of the spiritual, or even mystical, connections that impact one’s personal destiny and progress. Being keenly observant today can allow one to see=2 0the cracks where facades ooze out. One can understand what needs to change. The openings can also reveal possibilities to fantasize about. Self-observation is ideal for seeing oneself from a variety of angles that can allow different expectations to emerge.

January 29 Thursday
With this Pisces Moon, we may feel the “Eureka” of finding the magic key that opens up a new world of ideas. We may touch upon something wild and unknown that tempts us to rebel against traditional practices. For some of us there may be a struggle to make innovations while maintaining some successful methods, while others may discover how fickle they can be in attempting to make changes. There are plenty of ideas and feelings to explore, including the hidden side of gut realities. Such an adventure of riding the currents of thoughts and emotions can sort out the seeds to play with during this Moon cycle.

January 30 Friday
The Pisces Moon entered her crescent phase last midnight, challenging us to move forward with attention on some of the inspirations and new ideas that have erupted into our consciousness this past week. This morning, while the Moon is voiding herself of visionary Pisces, we can best imagine the potential available to us. At 8:25 am, MT, the Moon moves into action-oriented Aries, and we are challenged to make a blueprint of how we might materialize some concept. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 31 Saturday
The Aries Moon brings excitement about the possibilities of entering a new kind of assertion. With Mercury going direct tonight, our minds sense a certain tension to explore the walls that seem to be limiting our circumstances with the hopes of finding chinks to squeeze through or handholds for scaling over, looking for any means of advancement. On Sunday we may confront some disappointments while the Moon goes void of course at 11:08 am, MT, dampening Aries enthusiasm for four hours. At 3:09 pm, the Moon moves into resourceful Taurus, which suggests we follow natural processes to attain our hopes.


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