Sunday, February 22, 2009

From Last Quarter to New Moon

February 16 Monday
With Monday’s Scorpio Moon there’s a feeling of metamorphosis, of somehow peeling off an outer shell to reveal how an idea akin to an ideal is forming. At 2:37 pm, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase, when we can honestly acclaim our links to new sources of sustaining life on this earth journey and let them lead us to new discoveries. At this same time, the Moon goes void of course, opening the dam gates to release the icy waters of Scorpio for over four hours. During this time, we may easily clean the slate of our past. At 5:53 pm, the Moon moves into life-affirming Sagittarius.

February 17 Tuesday
With this last quarter Sagittarius Moon an all-encompassing clarity comes that promotes an assertion of power to move forward with radical changes that replace certain established behaviors. The pull to freedom can overrule security needs, or at least create a battle between the two. If you’re caught up in that struggle, explore your options. Look for patterns and connections. Map them out with their ramifications. And above all, contemplate the level of security that your soul wants to experience in this world. Just how does that all get integrated in this life?

February 18 Wednesday
On this last full day of a Sagittarius Moon, the Sun moves into Pisces, bridging an intellectual perspective of humanity’s needs with a heartfelt experience of participating in the flow of civilization. On a personal level, we may see the difficulties of getting to a different level of living, of opening to a lighter, brighter existence. By adapting to the playful side of Sagittarius that delights in adventures much like a child does, we may be able to skip over blockages, melting them away with the heat of our enthusiasm, especially this evening with a void of course Moon from 6:37 pm, MT until tomorrow morning.

February 19 Thursday
At 6:25 am, MT, the Moon leaves Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn, bringing us a sense of the consequences of our behavior if we remain stuck in old habits that no longer produce desirable results. Externals are not also the best indicator of what needs to change. It is best to seek a verification from an internal spark of truth that comes from honestly looking at everything. That includes what you fear and what you don8 0t believe. Take a chance, and let yourself encounter what you repel. Such a venture may reveal patterns unseen or overlooked.

February 20 Friday
With this Capricorn Moon our feelings may be subdued. Some of us will be depressed or fear losing something or being alone. With the Moon entering her balsamic phase at 6 pm, MT, we are urged to be goal-oriented today, to put our actions into materializing a vision. This can strengthen our spirit, allowing various inner resources to appear. The balsamic phase is a time to unleash all of one’s capabilities to acknowledge proficiencies and to allow for contrasts to recognize the seeds of new possibilities. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 21 Saturday
The Capricorn Moon has been void of course since early morning, thinning the veils in our imaginations and bringing up visions and ideals. The Moon will not be completely clear of Capricorn until 7:06 pm, MT, when she moves into the progressively evolving world of Aquarius. Sunday morning is ideal for connecting with friends to test the feasibility of some changes one is considering. There may be new personal insights to share that provide information about how one advances. Sometimes social comparisons can lead to adjustments that make all the difference in one’s personal evolution.

February 23 Monday
With th is Aquarius Moon on the last full day of a lunation, there may be a sense of inner channels opening up, shattering outer barriers. Observational skills are favored. Take time to look everywhere, to notice the details, to see if anything is extraordinarily developed, to check for distortions. Everywhere and everything has an influence. Those that support innovation are worth noting. What do you make of what you see and know to be true? The Moon goes void of course at 7:09 pm, MT, funneling out the streams of stimulating knowledge that Aquarius loves and that can change our world.

February 24 Tuesday
The Moon moves into Pisces at 6 am, MT, seeking to synthesize everything that’s happening, especially the hidden factors and the current trials of livelihood. At 6:34 pm, a new lunation begins. This=2 0cycle bears a theme of experiencing the feeling tone of how we respond when we are centered in our hearts and what is it like when we are not. The heart has its habits. It regularly reacts to personal, social, and global situations. During these times, the latter provides us with plenty of conflicts that we can use to observe our reactive behavior and its emotional content.

February 25 Wednesday
With today’s Pisces Moon, our ability to discriminate between reality and illusion becomes an issue. We may be seeking concrete improvements amidst an influx of intangible information coming from wide open channels to the inner realm of feeling. Today’s opportunities lie in finding the right mix of thoughts and feelings so that both can be guides to navigating through dark times. Ideas and emotions don’t need to be at cross purposes; they can be allies. And as suc h can awaken convictions about how to be and act that produce dreams and ideals.

February 26 Thursday
The Pisces Moon has been void of course since late last night until this afternoon. During this time she is loosening up old stuff, no longer needed, and sifting it out as she releases the waters of Pisces. This can be unsettling. We may lose track of things and become disoriented. At 2:24 pm, MT, the Moon moves into quick-paced Aries who knows what to do with old cluttering paraphernalia and actions – get rid of them! Make room for something new. The tension between old crystallizations in our lives and the birthing of new forms comes to a head.

February 27 Friday
Friday’s Aries Moon represents bold actions, triggered by anticipation of opportunities to advance. We may be fully aware of personal motivational factors, and, moreover, be excited by an uncanny overlapping of events and circumstances. Some wild truths seem to be fueling a magnetic force within us that can set up a stabilizing condition. Aries’ typical self-sufficiency appears to be overridden by a desire to act in concert with the needs of others today. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 28 Saturday
The Aries Moon has been void of course since 10:52 am, MT, and entered her crescent phase at 12:15 pm. As she snuffs out the assertiveness of Aries, we may find it difficult to exert the effort it takes at the start of this phase to give full attention and value to attending to a newly emerging awareness. Yet this Aries Moon is in swan song mode, bursting with ideas. If we elevate our will to remain open to the generosity of spirit, we may not fall into the trap of overreaching. The Moon moves into Taurus at 8:33 tonight, helping us attract on Sunday what is required for developing heart habits that keep us centered and focused.


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