Monday, February 09, 2009

Full Moon and Disseminating Moon

February 9 Monday
We have a lunar eclipse at 7:49 am, MT. Even if it were still night, this darkening of the Moon is faint like dusk or dawn that conjures up that feeling of not quite being here nor there. Being mindful of such transitional states may be helpful as we play with the revelations of this full Leo Moon. Many of them may be about the light or lack thereof that we bring to the realm of our reality. We may be on the fringe of sadness or giddiness, while what is verifiable escapes us. The space beyond our Moon shows no boundaries and beckons us to venture there as if into a recreational park. The Moon voids herself of Leo’s brightness from 12:29 pm until 10:38 pm when she moves into Virgo, the stewardess of life’s light.

February 10 Tuesday
The waning Moon is in Virgo piecing together our sense of wholeness within a broader framework. As the Moon begins to shed beams of the sun’s light while in this heavily mental sign, it serves us well to take newly revealed ideas about ourselves into the darkness of our minds where they can excite us and where we can analyze their juicy power to seduce us into hooking our lifeline into them. Virgo provides the guidelines and focus to probe matter for signs of what is most vital, of what adds sweetness and brings smiles.

February 11 Wednesday
With this Virgo Moon we may notice some inexplicable phenomena and struggle to keep our feet on the ground. Rules and norms seem to be in flux, just when you want them to be fixed, s olid, and dependable. Yet there can be touching moments of extraordinary tenderness and unexpected encounters. Some of these seem like a stroke of luck with surprising benefits. All we need to do is seize the moment and run with it, not slowing down until 9:17 pm, MT, when the Moon goes void of course. That’s when she goes through a fuzzy transitional period, ideal for kicking back and slipping into a little weirdness.

February 12 Thursday
The Libra Moon brings forth an impulse to commit to behavior that supports a new level of living, based on current revelations. We may be confronted with hidden factors that intensify a need to change. With Libra we may feel like we are sitting on the continental divide deciding which side to roll down while viewing the cliffs and crevasses in both directions. Social and emotional responsibilitie s will propel us along with wind and fire once we choose the way. The Moon enters her disseminating phase at 6:16 pm, MT, when we need to acknowledge and demonstrate what we have learned in this cycle.

February 13 Friday
The disseminating Libra Moon urges us to display some unusual capacity to dissolve foolishness or lies that prevent the balancing of intuitive abilities with rational ones. And with Libra there is always a social or public element that seeks to present correct or appropriate procedures for changing certain circumstances. Like a magnet, Libra draws us into maintaining honest appearances while attuning to magic-like changes. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 14 Saturday
We have a Scorpio Moon for the weekend, magnifying the inner changes we’re experiencing. We may have scrubbed out flaws in our reality bubble and cracked it open for greater truths to fit in. New feelings and new ideas need feeding. Expanding consciousness does not sustain itself without attention. Scorpio beckons us to look for what nourishes the unseen inner core of ourselves. A new ritual might do it. One that stirs up all of you, that includes the rough and the soft stuff, and brings about a renewal of resolve to keep moving on a path of awakening consciousness.


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