Sunday, May 30, 2010

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

May 31 Monday
The Capricorn Moon enters her disseminating phase at 1:41 pm, MT. Truth comes in like a solid rain rinsing away the dirt of falsehood. Evidence of our competence and confidence and of the obstacles that muddy them comes to light. It’s time to take all of what we’ve learned about these things that make up our reputation and frame them in such a way that they attract a new freedom in our lives, driven by the force of our authenticity. Some re-alignment of a current set-up may be advantageous to leave a dead end situation and grow into an ideal. Capricorn has the stamina that is needed to make progress.

June 1 Tuesday
The Moon moved into multi-faceted Aquarius last night. Tapping into Aquarius can be like viewing multi-tracks in an audio program and being familiar enough with each selection of sound to give it a position where it can give its optimal value when pushed to its limits, and the combined performance of all the tracks is exhilaration to the max. Perhaps we can gather several trophy moments from our lives and arrange them in various patterns for a similar effect. At the least we might identify elements, that when reframed, point out our potential for having the kind of recognition we want and deserve.

June 2 Wednesday
With this Aquarius Moon we can easily sense the losses that contributed to our acquired reputation and confidence. We may also notice how we compensate for any emotionally upsetting experiences. Some of us may offer love and affection generously for the wellbeing of others. Large-scale efforts to verbalize one’s compassion may, however, be awkward today. To have a clear grasp of the reality of one’s capabilities and coming up with ways to enact them will take some adjustments. It may help to tune into the Aquarian skill of accessing inner knowledge about oneself and the world we inhabit.

June 3 Thursday
This morning’s Aquarius Moon reflects on images of idealized romance that enhance confidence. Some of our fantasies may turn into reality. At 8:56 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course, releasing utopian Aquarius for two and a half hours, offering us lucid feelings of certainty about our dreams. At 11:34 am, the Moon moves into all-inclusive Pisces. We may feel over-extended if we’ve been caring for others and neglecting our own needs. This afternoon there is an opportunity to explore the subtle depths of our service to others and how we align ourselves with alleviating collective pressures.

June 4 Friday
With this Pisces Moon, it may take extreme effort to get out of bed. It feels like vampires are sucking out our energy. This and other strangeness seem to be debilitating. Even our self-confidence seems to have gone asleep. The Moon enters her last quarter phase at 4:13 pm, MT. The meaning of this cycle becomes clear. It’s the importance of practicing something of value that we want others of like minds to recognize in us. It’s also time to allow some new social attitude to slip into our consciousness. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 5 Saturday
This Pisces Moon showers feelings of wellbeing that come with rhythmic, repetitive performances, like singing in unison or dancing in a chorus line. The Moon takes a minute tonight to void herself of harmonious Pisces and at 11:50 pm, MT, moves into striking-out Aries. This sign can be unstoppable, and on Sunday we can have the utmost confidence in our ability to handle all challenges with trust and assurance in the goodness of life. All that we need to do is push forward with the insatiable, sometimes greedy, energy of Aries, staying open to the untried possibilities.


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