Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gibbous and Full Moon

February 14 Monday
With this Cancer Moon comes old familiar habits linked to certain allegiances. These are challenged by an overwhelming feeling of how things can be done differently. If we engage our emotions in some magical escapades, even if totally internal, we may encounter and embrace the power to remove the shackles of the past. The Moon enters her gibbous phase at 6:05 pm, MT, offering unavoidable appraisal of how we feel about the way we deal with obstacles. It’s important during this phase not to slack off and get off track of the pursuit of becoming more conscious of how we tend to approach an impasse.

February 15 Tuesday
The gibbous Cancer Moon floods us with impressions of our emotional states while under stress. Some of these may leave us feeling splintered, like a river confronting the sea. Cancer, however, is a sign that has an underlying expectation of wholeness, and will keep trying to bring things together, through protecting, sheltering, defending, or simply maintaining whatever is within its sphere of influence. This Cancer Moon can stir up turmoil until she gets to the heart of a matter. Everything that happens today may get questioned to find a transcendent feeling of harmony.

February 16 Wednesday
This Leo Moon finds us expressing the desires of these times without getting stuck or attached to particular notions of different social perspectives. Energy runs high, and there’s a willingness to embrace whatever arises. Leo expects to be received in just the right way and to reflect exactly what is encountered. Leo takes everything at face value and is unwavering in purpose, integrity, and loyalty. There is an inner longing to express something coming out of dormancy. To tease it out, some peeling away of obstacles is required. Leo’s taste for the unusual and strange can fuel the strength needed to remove impediments.

February 17 Thursday
This Leo Moon stirs up participation and sorts out feelings directly related to levels of responsibility. On this last day before a full Moon, heroic action is called for to understand and to bring one’s ego into balance with realizations of wiser perspectives. Knowing what to choose to illuminate is important now. Leo’s tendency to make grand shows based on favoritism needs to be tempered by the best choices. There’s an air of anticipation of entering a fuller existence. After midnight we have a full Moon revealing openness and extravagance. Leo can be magnanimous and excessive!

February 18 Friday
We had a Leo Full Moon during the night, and now the Moon in her full phase is in Virgo, mobilizing our attention to signals about how we find openings to our desires when blocked. Issues may arise around emotional longings or fears when confronted by limitations in our life experiences. Virgo can worry about facing the uncertainties of life. The Sun leaves unconventional Aquarius this afternoon and moves into enigmatic Pisces.

February 19 Saturday
The Virgo Moon has some surprising revelations today. She brings hidden knowledge to light, helping us see certain aspects of our reality that have either aided or hindered us in transcending obstacles. Tonight she voids herself of thorough Virgo and moves into perfectionistic Libra. On Sunday we may see things in ideal terms that open us to another level of existence. We may feel compelled to act on ideas; yet some of them may be unrealistic. We may also think that honest communication with ourselves and others will solve everything. This may work if we act to align ourselves with the highest ideals.


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