Sunday, March 06, 2011

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

March 7 Monday
With this fresh Aries Moon we each may be searching for targets which can help us make an impact on whatever or whoever has been luring us. Intuition is leading us, and this may feel like walking atop a fence, seeing what is possible in some relationship while noticing the challenges. The path ahead may test our character. Experimenting with varying approaches to what’s catching your eye today, may produce important distinctions for the impulses of this new Moon phase. Use Aries’ insatiability for new experiences but beware of being duped! Aries can easily be foolhardy!

March 8 Tuesday
At 9:04 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost two hours of snuffing out the instinctive activity of Aries. Pursuits during this time may end up being futile. It’s best to retreat and align with the highest ideals. At 10:52 am, the Moon moves into resourceful Taurus. Taurus can be slow to move which contributes to the reputation of being stubborn or lazy. This sign prefers to act on certainties. When the goal or direction is clear, Taurus can fix attention on getting out of an inert state into pushing forward into new territory. Today’s Taurus Moon may quietly welcome the efforts to act decisively.

March 9 Wednesday
Last night the Taurus Moon entered her crescent phase, a time when one can be magnetically drawn to what has emerged since Friday’s new Moon, in this cycle that would be something attractive, even alluring, or something that camouflages what is not wanted visible. What is enticing you? Are you being induced to keep something hidden? Maybe you’re attracting something or disguising it. With this Taurus Moon notice how you’re packaging or dressing up your behavior to test the feasibility of some new approaches. There’s electricity in the air conducive to sudden changes of mind.

March 10 Thursday
This Taurus Moon brings substance to the impulses we have been feeling during this waxing Moon time. When this sign grasps something attractive, it wants to show it off. Such a display can be splashy, projecting an impressive, even glamorous image. Some of what we see today requires deep questioning, especially around alternatives. This can lead to breaking illusions. For a sense of the value of what is being digested, we need to take into account the relationship of the outward expression of it to the inner feeling of it. Taurus can foster laziness that dulls perception of subtleties and complexities.

March 11 Friday
The Moon moved into Gemini last night, a sign that always needs to know and see everything. We may find many new parts of ourselves to explore and become frazzled if we try to hold them altogether. Independence permeates our individuality today, triggering some rebelliousness. Personal needs and social limits become issues, requiring a multi-level approach. Attractions may be rejected if too much emotional investment is demanded. Yet a decision is needed today about pursuing some allurement or disguise. . Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 12 Saturday
The Gemini Moon enters her first quarter phase this afternoon at 4:45, MT. At this point in a cycle a departure from typical activity is called for to acquire the revelations it bears. In this particular cycle we are advised to put our heads together to ascertain a truth about something that has been camouflaged or made attractive. Opening up information about the hidden side of this issue can bring greater clarity. The Moon leaves inquisitive Gemini Sunday morning and moves into easily swayed Cancer at 8:29 am, MT. We may find ourselves trying out new ways of enticing or disguising on Sunday.


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