Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gibbous and Full Moon

March 14 Monday
This Cancer Moon is like a beacon showing us a direction to take, one that we can accept spontaneously and that clarifies what we despise. Our psychological patterns vie with established ways of socializing or engaging in collective ways of rebuilding damaged structures. It is as if the tsunamis in the Pacific have washed up into public view our emotional debris. There is support to channel our energies towards hard work, knowing that our efforts will be rewarded if we are committed to getting what we want. And Cancer wants security and nurturing.

March15 Tuesday
We awaken to a void of course Cancer Moon this morning, evaporating emotional bonding. Until this afternoon we may find ourselves emotionally absent, yet highly influenced by other people’s needs. At 1:33 pm, MT, the Moon moves into radiant Leo. Then there’s a surge of energy and a need to move about freely. There’s restlessness for information. Open-mindedness can bring it in comprehensive ways. A positive attitude can troubleshoot and produce critical knowledge discerned from the pattern of things. This can clarify the direction being taken these days.

March 16 Wednesday
The Leo Moon enters her gibbous phase at 7:21 am, MT. This begins a period which is best used for getting the full picture of the attraction or camouflaging behavior being observed during this lunation. We are living in the shadow of some greater forces. Yet what we are mesmerized by or hiding from or how we draw in others or things and how we are deceived by external appearances, all of it, needs to be put into some umbrella framework of our lives that will not only show us how we piece our lives together but also how they mirror the bigger picture. Today we can uncover more secrets about the dynamics of attraction.

March 17 Thursday
Today’s Leo Moon lacks boundaries, and as the Moon goes void of course at 1:59 pm, MT, for almost an hour, we may feel like we’re under a spell, easily moved the first half of the day. Our theatrical side performs, making visible dramatic gestures as if to create our ideal make-believe world. At 2:53 pm, the Moon moves into form-producing Virgo, and we more easily take on the discipline needed to open up to our shape-shifting abilities to discern the magical ways in which we create pleasing environments for ourselves. New levels of consciousness await our attention.

March 18 Friday
With this Virgo Moon our instincts are on high alert. By trusting our impressions today, we can gather the best information about human behavior. Meticulous note-taking on this will serve in reframing some patterns. Be flexible; don’t fall into the trap of believing there is only one right way to do things. Virgo can churn up thoughts on protocol that just might not be linear. Letting procedures simply emerge and going with what seems practical can lead to success. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 19 Saturday
The Virgo Moon was at her fullest at 12:10 pm, MT, beginning a phase of grasping the deeper interconnections between how we draw people or things to us and what we are drawn to, as well as, how we camouflage what we want or how it is hidden from us. The Virgo Moon went void of course after her full moment until 2:03 pm, when she moved into Libra, a sign that strives to present the ideal. There is much tension to bring that about, but on Sunday we may feel like we’re being pulled in every direction possible. Libra seeks balance, and we may be teeter-tottering about on this equinox day! Happy first day of Spring!


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