Sunday, June 12, 2011

Full and Disseminating Moon

June 13 Monday
The penetrating Scorpio Moon brings up how well, or not, we have been braving emotional storms. At 11:43 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course, purging herself of demanding Scorpio until tonight. During this time we may feel like we’re at the mercy of the environment and other people’s whims. Avoid being manipulated or manipulative by escaping to a private space where you can imagine surrendering to the flow of the powerful changes inundating the world. Scorpio seeks to rise to the highest level of what is to be found anywhere. At 8:38 pm the Moon moves into hopeful Sagittarius.

June 14 Tuesday
With this Sagittarius Moon comes a strong sense of belonging to so much yet wanting a connection with firm limits. This may be found today by communicating with those who have interests and ideas similar to one’s own. Such people may seem to be magnetically coming together. This afternoon is perfect for a memorable gathering of comrades. It can be cheerful and have everyone looking at the bright side of life. Sagittarius seeks a sunny path on any given day that leads to lasting happiness freely shared.

June 15 Wednesday
With this Sagittarius Moon we can identify the emotional bonds we have with others and the ideals and blessing we share. At 2:14 pm, MT, we have a full Moon eclipsed by our home, the earth. We may want to stuff our feelings, but a full blast of reality doesn’t hide much. This full phase of the Moon reveals how well, or not, we get into the beat of our own needs and rise above the rhythm of our own contradictions. An examination of the emotional quality of our thoughts and conversations on freedom to be and do what we desire, can also inform us of our personal issues that coincide with this lunar eclipse.

June 16 Thursday
The Moon is in Capricorn galvanizing issues as she sets in the West this morning. We are confronted with an urgency to take extreme, possibly desperate, measures to see beyond present emotional states. Deep and intense feelings may need to be exposed, laundered, and hung out to dry. Capricorn likes to keep things under control to maintain the best possible arrangement based on standard appropriate behavior. Inner guidance tells us to deviate, to disrupt that familiar path to find relief from tension. With this Capricorn Moon comes external support to dig our way out of a mess.

June 17 Friday
With this Capricorn Moon comes a dose of skepticism, as we search for answers for present issues and dilemmas. We may feel overwhelmed by our “to do” lists and haunted by elusive worries. Concerns focus on knowledge and substance while stacks of information surround us. Sometimes letting things take their course has a way of materializing the perfect opportunity and what to do with it. Adopting Capricorn slowness and caution may be the perfect choice. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 18 Saturday
With this Aquarius Moon come sudden flashes of how to restructure some behaviors to release patterns that do not serve our highest good. Aquarius can look at something and sense how it can be renovated and improved. The part of us with that talent may need to withdraw inward for some hidden guidance. Sunday at 5:50 am, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, a time to uncover any avoidance to change and begin to demonstrate the alterations that we’ve recognized are needed during this cycle. The Aquarius in each of us is urged to be watchful as if dealing with a brand new self.


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