Sunday, July 03, 2011

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

July 4 Monday
We have a void of course Leo Moon for most of this American holiday. It’s as if she is in an altered state of dimming and diffusing light on the playful, attention-getting Leo, stripping herself of eye-catchers before she moves into the next sign. We may feel overlooked on what may turn out to be a strange 4th of July. Follow your own intuition rather than others’ suggestions. At 3:05 pm, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase, a time to start cultivating a secure grasp of something that has emerged since Friday. Consider the joy that may come from such an endeavor. At 7:15 pm, the Moon moves into modest Virgo. Happy Independence Day!

July 5 Tuesday
With this Virgo Moon the usual forms of expression get tested with attempts to bridge difficulties. New levels of understanding old ways may trigger a change of direction inward. Conversing with the inner self can reveal a vast wealth of information. Throughout the day stop and listen as if your future depended on it. It just might. At 6:19 pm, the Moon goes void of course, dusting off the perfection-seeking tendencies of Virgo for over twenty-seven hours! During this time it is easier to be in psychic communication with one’s inner self. To avoid misinterpreting messages, apply a heavy dose of practicality.

July 6 Wednesday
The Moon is still void of course, scraping off critical concerns of Virgo until this evening. Such worries are about what kind of image to cultivate. Some hefty doses of wisdom and humility may be helpful in analyzing future prospects. Low energy, moreover, may bring on a passive stance as far as actualizing some ideas today. We may be unable to find the kind of reality that matches expectations. This voiding Moon is supportive of receiving inspiration for creating visions. It’s perfect for magical thinking. At 9:54 pm, MT, the Moon leaves Virgo and moves into the realm of Libra’s critical appraisal.

July 7 Thursday
The Moon is in Libra, a sign that generally seeks to have harmony among people and or things. This morning, however, either-or situations arise, marked by extremes. There is pressure to choose a bridging pathway between such things as emotional needs for freedom and attachment. A combination of intellect and heart is best for selecting. Our choices need to excite us into action, overcoming inertia and our usual expected decorum. If we’ve engaged our energy in such a way that we’re pushing some personal and or social limits, we may uncover something precious. The Moon begins to void herself of Libra’s deliberating action after midnight and throughout Friday.

July 8 Friday
We have a void of course first quarter Moon in Libra all day. While she is slipping off the high standards and expectations of Libra, demands we make on ourselves and others may become unrealistic. Relationships appear more fragile than they are. Possessiveness or obsessions shrewdly take over. Don’t expect too much of promises made during this time. There’s a reluctance to be accountable even though we’re in an action phase of the cycle. Simply be sensitive to what needs attending to over the next few days that will begin a new stage in your life. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 9 Saturday
The Scorpio Moon provides a course in self renewal. Experimenting with possibilities of unfolding some potential requires work on some essential life patterns. Scorpio is adept at cutting things down to the basics. By chipping away the details of our actions, we can identify core behavior. Consider the beauty of patterns that provide nourishment in your routines. Sunday at 7:05 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course, squeezing off the rejuvenating juices of Scorpio until tomorrow morning. This condition can immobilize us or bring on a period of introspection. Such a state can heighten our intuition.


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