Sunday, June 19, 2011

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

June 20 Monday
With this Aquarius Moon comes an intuitive synthesis of how the variables in the ideal vision for one’s life are interwoven. Small, seemingly insignificant behaviors shed light on those memorable ones which get most of our attention. The yearnings of the soul clash with the desires of the ego unless the heart is given freedom to act. Knowing the difference is key. At 2:23 pm, MT, the Moon voids herself of the abstract mental capacities of Aquarius for twenty-two minutes, allowing for deeper questioning of our personal quests. At 2:45 pm, the Moon moves into the profuse image-laden stimulation of Pisces.

June 21 Tuesday
The Moon is clothed with the sentimentality of Pisces, stirring up emotional responses while the Sun moves into the sustaining embrace of Cancer at 11:17 am, MT, heralding the official beginning of Summer and bringing to light common needs and alliances. Depressive or negative thoughts may arise when considering the shared conditions of living on Mother Earth these days. Feelings and impressions need to be expressed along with careful thinking. The Moon goes void of course tonight until Thursday morning, providing for the condition of being spiritually open. Happy summer solstice!

June 22 Wednesday
With this void of course Pisces Moon, those of us who have imagined and believed that we have honestly expressed our needs recently may experience a new level of personal freedom and be ready to take the next step in self development. Yearning to move on is strong today, yet we can be easily swayed and deceived. Sometimes Pisces can be so easily influenced that the Pisces part of us seems to be under a spell or possessed. A certain amount of modesty and reserve is called for to ward off deception. It is rare that the ideal is found in the material world without first finding it within oneself.

June 23 Thursday
The Moon is in Aries and at 5:48 am, MT, enters her last quarter phase, a time when we can truly see the value in confronting conditions that have prevented us from fulfilling our needs. We can observe shortcomings and bring about a more desirable reality through experimentation. It may be surprisingly easy to follow one’s bliss. The toughness that Aries personifies is ready take on any test to prove one’s capability to change. Of course, right action is required. It just takes boldness and assertiveness in the face of problems to be overcome. Aries always evaluates progress made and treasures gains and trophies.

June 24 Friday
Today’s Aries Moon brings up a spirit of intellectual and emotional competitiveness. Strength comes with truth. Exploring new ways to look good may bring progress. The Moon goes void of course at 4:07 pm, MT, smothering the initiative of Aries. The rest of the day and into Saturday afternoon we may feel restless and uncertain about any activity. Other people’s vulnerabilities may be obvious but we too may feel helpless and lost. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 25 Saturday
The Moon is voiding herself of Aries assertiveness until mid-afternoon. It may seem like we’re going in circles. At 2:53 pm, MT, the Moon moves into conventionally down-to-earth Taurus. We might be saturated with emotional options that give us permission to explore lifestyle changes. On Sunday opportunities arise to get past psychological obstacles with information that strengthens the heart’s connection to what is desired. Taurus will persistently work towards goals in a neat and methodical manner. At times, however, Taurus can indulge a lazy streak.


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