Sunday, March 18, 2012

Balsamic and New Moon

March 19 Monday
This balsamic Aquarius Moon sheds a feeling of being able to move mountains in anticipation of big changes. The Moon goes void of course at 2:31 pm, MT, for almost four hours of shaking off the intellectual vitality of Aquarius. During this time it is best for us to rein in our will power with great sensitivity to subtleties. At 6:05 pm, the Moon moves into the imaginary, sometimes irrational realm of Pisces, a sign that has hidden tentacles into everything with an orientation towards the future. At 11:14 pm, the Sun moves into budding Aries, and Spring begins! Happy Vernal Equinox!

March 20 Tuesday
With this Pisces Moon we start the first full day of Spring with keen instincts for all sorts of detecting. Our feelings can tell us what needs releasing and who or what can guide us during this mostly darkened Moon day. There’s a lot brewing internally. By following intuitive messages, we can maneuver through illusions and other dangers and prevent falling for exaggerated promises or incorrect information. This ending of a Moon cycle is good for cleaning out or clearing out those things and feelings that make us feel stuck or cramped. Such activity can not only attract what is desirable but also make room for it!

March 21 Wednesday
The Pisces Moon is void of course until tomorrow morning, washing off easily misled Pisces. It’s best to not take most things personally today. If we absorb everything that relates to the Pisces part of our charts today, we can stew in overwhelm, be exploited and easily victimized. Today is ideal for creating an imaginary bubble surrounding oneself as if everything that is in it is one’s inner world in which magic can happen. For example, imagine that whatever and whomever you let inside your bubble is rosy and loving. Actually see the color rose painted on them, and let that color propel you through the day.

March 22 Thursday
The Moon moved into self-focused Aries early this morning. At 8:37 am, MT, we have a new Moon beginning a cycle about how certain daily habits reinforce our personalities. Which of your usual behaviors has you stamped all over it? Individuality and eccentricity stand out today. Notice how you look out for yourself and talk about yourself. Do you work miracles? Do you get what you want? What makes you feel powerful? Looking for answers to these questions over the next four days, may show you how you go about making your mark in your world.

March 23 Friday
With this new Aries Moon we can pick up on impulses related to ego and personality if we make attempts to show off ability at handling complex situations. Such moves can lead to self-discoveries about the limits of one’s capabilities. Friendships can trigger risk-taking, and the sign of Aries, when at its best, treasures gains. This sign can also think it’s the only one to deserve gains. Aries can have a strong narcissistic streak. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 24 Saturday
The Aries Moon went void of course this morning, drowning out the self-interests of Aries until 3:43 pm, MT, when she moves into self-esteem seeking Taurus. Several opportunities arise to enhance personal powers and attract attention. On Sunday, we can get a lot of mileage out of self-indulgence unless we’re misguided or assign too much self-importance in consumerism or sharing assets. The Taurus area of our charts is shaped by our personal values and self-concept. Taurus at its worst can be a user and destructive. At its best industrious and self-secure.


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