Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gibbous and Full Moon

April 30 Monday The Leo Moon goes void of course at 8:17 am, MT, for almost nine hours of consuming the creative flairs of Leo. Role playing may come easy during this time. Here’s a chance to see how well you perform at giving and at receiving. Maybe a bleeding heart will show up. Are you a pushover for the underdog? Some overlooked or forgotten behaviors may become noticeable. Emotional sensitivity to others and to the environment seems more palpable. At 5:02 pm, the Moon moves into self-improving Virgo. And an awareness of some issues that keep us rigid comes to mind. May 1 Tuesday The Virgo Moon brings a calming, magical touch which can push us forward towards personal revelations about our self concept. By listening to deep internal rumblings, problems may be understood and redefined after considering the values engaged and comparing the worthiness of various approaches. Accessibility is an important factor in deciding upon solutions. Examining all the details of an issue for their implications and possible outcomes is necessary to ward off any of Virgo’s excessive worries about the uncertainties of life. Thoroughness is an optimal trait of Virgo, but it requires conscientiousness. May 2 Wednesday The Virgo Moon went void of course at 4:58 am, MT, sweeping off bothersome tidbits of Virgo for most of the day. Organized, scheduled, clearly delineated events become blurry or bleed out the juice that once made them attractive. A dreamy quality permeates. During this time the Moon enters her gibbous phase. There’s tension to take stock of one’s behavior related to reciprocity charged with genuine care. What is missing? What has not been considered and needs to be? This phase is for getting a clear grasp of how one handles responsibilities and uses capabilities to dispense and renew energy. May 3 Thursday The Moon moved into Libra last night and brings some surprising tradeoffs this morning. Synchronicities trigger shifts in perception about social and emotional responsibilities. It seems like something is coming into clear view, but it is not easily trusted for fear of being trapped. Follow the scenario that stands out and connect to the familiar aspects of it, adjusting to each pattern while bringing to it a pleasant atmosphere. You’ll learn what’s needed by doing it. And in that action many possibilities appear. Libra is good at seeing alternatives and reacting unless the options are of equal value. Then she ponders long and hard. May 4 Friday With this Libra Moon comes a sense of something about to bloom, something fully shaped and well defined. The Moon goes void of course at 12:02 pm, MT, for over eight hours. While she is fanning off the remains of assessing and reconciling Libra, we may have unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others. The time it takes for the Moon to exit a sign is for letting go and accepting the spiritual gifts of that sign -- in this case the simple company of others and whatever is offered. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. May 5 Saturday The Moon moved into Scorpio last night, intensifying the depths of feeling. While approaching tonight’s full moon at 9:35 MT, there may be difficulty with words. This full phase requires listening with the heart for how we give and receive light in all its metaphorical meanings. Revelations come over the next few days about how we deal with our inner struggles and the energy that allow us to grow independently and socially. On Sunday morning at 6:14, the Moon begins to void herself of the intimacies of Scorpio for over thirteen hours. During this time we can enter into an intuitive, emotional symbiosis for healing on several levels.


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