Sunday, May 06, 2012

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

May 7 Monday The Moon moved into the celebratory energy of Sagittarius last night and our dreams may have featured a successful struggle to fulfill a desire of the heart. This could have triggered a need to solicit some help from a friend or some qualified person to determine how to respond to the dream’s suggestions. Throughout the day insights come to mind about what could be obstructing a path to better conditions and what kinds of adjustments would be needed to achieve that. An important task for the Sagittarius part of our charts is integration. And sometimes that involves bringing the past together with new ways of being and acting. May 8 Tuesday This morning’s Sagittarius Moon offers a preview of what Venus the planet of love, beauty, and preferences is suggesting we reconsider during her retrograde period that begins next Tuesday. By examining the emotions that show up, especially the strongest ones regarding expectations versus what occurs, we can begin a journey towards enhancing our ability to express our personal feelings about our desires, pushing to have our expectations fulfilled. Our Sagittarius component likes promoting and even boasting about our ideals. The Moon voids herself of this sign from 7:34 pm till 8:00 pm, MT when she moves into pre-meditating Capricorn. May 9 Wednesday Early this morning the Capricorn Moon entered her disseminating phase. This is a time for ritualizing some newly awakened to truth. In the present cycle this involves behavior that psyches one up to perform independently in shifting conditions. There can be some unsettling moments, but trusting impulses can lead to openings in one’s resistance armor. Worries about the worst outcome can be set aside by grabbing onto a tough, unstoppable willpower and self-discipline. Capricorn can resort to some unusual behavior when necessary to achieve sensible results. May 10 Thursday This Capricorn Moon tells us that emotional adjustments are needed if we want to get something of value out of our experiences today. By recognizing the worth of whatever we are doing and of whomever we interact with, we may be inspired to change some aspect of our lifestyle. The Moon goes void of course at 1:11 pm, MT, for almost ten hours of shoveling off somber and practical Capricorn. During this time it is best to minimize the importance of worldly goods without diminishing respect for them. The mature, wise Capricorn understands that respecting the material world calls for an acknowledgement of the spirit world that enthuses it. May 11 Friday The Moon moved into the social complexities of Aquarius early this morning, beckoning us to seek council from both our hearts and minds. Perceptions are heightened and can offer ideas about self-improvement that can stimulate our creative juices. The Aquarius part of us can tirelessly pursue new ways to apply personal insights gained. There are opportunities to make quantum leaps today. Aquarius can see and go beyond the natural order of things. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. May 12 Saturday The Aquarius Moon enters her last quarter phase at 3:47 pm, MT. This begins a period of urging on some new direction out of a sense of necessity. This cycle brought up awareness about one’s courage to create oneself according to inner instinctual powers. What maneuvers build and coordinate a unique identity? Moving forward with such insight will require a releasing of periphery things. The Moon voids herself of inventive Aquarius from 6:52 pm, tonight, until 5:42 am, MT, Sunday, when she moves into the reclusiveness of Pisces. Sunday morning is best for transcending normal concerns, as the importance of activity gets magnified in the afternoon.


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